吸入一氧化氮对致敏大鼠气道阻力以及气道炎症的影响 |
同济医科大学附属同济医院呼吸内科 (武汉 430030) 薛建敏 徐永健 张珍祥
摘要 目的:探讨吸入一定剂量一氧化氮(NO)对哮喘气道阻力以及气道炎症的影响。方法:采用免疫组织化学技术(ABC法),观察卵蛋白致敏的气道炎症大鼠模型吸入40×10-6 NO对气道阻力、气道嗜酸性粒细胞(Eos)、淋巴细胞及mIL-2R阳性淋巴细胞的影响。结果:吸入40×10-6 NO 1 h或连续6 d每日吸入1 h均可明显减低气道阻力(P<0.05)。短时吸入40×10-6 NO(吸入1 h)对气道炎性细胞浸润无明显影响(P>0.05),连续6 d每日吸入NO 1 h,气道淋巴细胞数无明显变化,但mIL-2R阳性淋巴细胞明显高于未吸入NO组(P<0.05)。结论:吸入40×10-6 NO有明显扩张支气管的作用;短时吸入40×10-6 NO对气道炎症无影响,但反复间断吸入40×10-6 NO后可引起气道活化T淋巴细胞增加,可能会加重哮喘气道炎症,值得在临床应用中引起重视。 主题词 一氧化氮;投药,吸入;哮喘; T-淋巴细胞
Effects of inhaled nitric oxide on the airways resistance and inflammation in sensitized rats
XUE Jian-Min, XU Yong-Jian, ZHANG Zhen-Xiang Department of Respiratory Medicine, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical University, Wuhan (430030)
Abstract AIM: To investigate the effect of inhaled certain concentration of nitric oxide (NO) on the airway resistance and inflammation in bronchial asthma. METHODS: The influences of inhaled 40×10-6 NO on the airway resistance as well as on the cell numbers of eosinophils and lymphocytes, especially the numbers of membrane interleukin-2 receptor( mIL- 2R) positive lymphotytes,in ovalbumin- sensitized rats were observed by physiological and immunohistochemical techniques. RESULTS: Inhalation of 40×10-6 NO both for 1h, and for 1h each day for 6 consecutive days attenuated the airways resistance significantly (both with P<0.05). Short term (1h) inhalation of NO had no effects on the inflammatory cell numbers in the airways. On the contrary,prolonged use of inhaled NO (1h each day for 6 days) led to the significant increase in the numbers of mIL-2R positive lymphocytes in the airways (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: The inhalation of 40×10-6 NO has bronchodilating effect. The airways inflammation is not affected by short term (1h) inhalation; but prolonged inhalation (1h each day for 6 days) may lead to exacerbation of airways inflammation, to which a[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 一氧化氮 内皮素和循环内皮细胞在支气管哮喘中的作用研究 下一个医学论文: 高原成人颈动脉体内电子致密核心囊泡的体视学研究