氧化修饰和乙酰修饰低密度脂蛋白在A型清道夫受体基因敲除小鼠的清除 |
凌文华* 马 静 李惠玲 Steinbrecher Urs
摘 要 目的: 阐明清道夫AI/II受体(SR-AI/II)在体内OX-LDL和AC-LDL清除中的作用和重要性。方法:观察同位素标记化学修饰LDL在SR-AI/II基因敲除和正常小鼠血浆的清除率和同位素标记的LDL在体内主要器官的分布。结果:OX-LDL在正常小鼠血浆清除是非常快的, 在5 min内,注入量的90%即被清除。在SR-AI/II基因敲除小鼠,OX-LDL在血浆的清除速率和正常小鼠相同。AC-LDL的清除在对照组和SR-AI/II受体敲除小鼠也相似。同位素标记的AC-LDL在血浆的清除能够完全被50倍高剂量未标记的AC-LDL阻断, 但同样剂量的未标记的AC-LDL仅能抑制OX-LDL在血浆清除的5%。OX-LDL和AC-LDL主要被肝脏清除。组织器官放射性标记的OX-LDL和AC-LDL的分布在正常小鼠和SR-AI/II基因敲除小鼠没有差异。结论:SR-AI/II受体在体内OX-LDL清除过程中不起主要作用。 主题词 脂蛋白类,LDL;受体;小鼠
The clearance of oxidized-LDL and acetylated-LDL in AI/II scavenger receptor knockout mice
LING Wen-Hua,MA Jing, LI Hui-Ling, Steinbrecher Urs
Faculty of Clinical Nutrition, Public Health School, Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou (510089)
Abstract AIM: To determine the importance of SR-AI/II in the removal of modified low density lipoprotein (LDL) from the bloodstream in vivo. METHOD:To observe the clearance rate of modified LDL in the plasma of SR-AI/II knockout and control mice. RESULTS: Clearance rate from plasma of oxidized LDL in normal mice was very rapid, and over 90% of injected dose was removed from the blood within 5 minutes. Clearance rates of oxidized LDL were equally high in SR-AI/II gene knockout mice. Similarly, there was no difference in the clearance rate of acetyl LDL in wild-type and SR-AI/II gene knockout animals. The plasma clearance or radio-iodinated acetyl LDL was almost fully blocked by a 50-folds excess of unlabelled acetyl LDL, but the latter only inhibited oxidized LDL clearance by about 5%. Both AC-LDL and OX-LDL were mostly cleared from plasma by the liver. There was no difference in the tissue distribution of modified LDL in control and knockout mice. CONCLUSION: SR-AI/II does not play a significant role in the removal of oxidized LDL from plasma. MeSH Lipoproteins, LDL;Receptor; Mice
大量实验证明氧化修饰低密度脂蛋白(oxidized low density lipoprotein,OX-LDL)[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 实验性急性肝衰竭时门脉高压发生机制的研究 下一个医学论文: 多重耐药基因在睫状体上皮细胞容积调节中的作用