抑郁情绪与中学生的自我概念初探 |
刘惠军 石俊杰
【摘 要】 目的:考察存在抑郁情绪的中学生的自我概念特点。方法:根据SCL-90评定,从初一—高二的398名被试中检出存在抑郁状态者59人,无抑郁者339人,然后运用Song—Hattie自我概念量表考察了两组被试的自我概念差异,并对存在抑郁状态学生的性别差异、年级差异进行了检验。结果:存在抑郁情绪学生的自我概念明显低于无抑郁倾向学生的自我概念,尤其是在家庭自我、班级自我、自信自我和能力自我四个维度上差异更为明显,而抑郁状态学生的自我概念没有明显的性别和年级差异。结论:情绪状态与中学生的自我概念有关,为心理咨询工作提供了依据。 【关键词】 中学生 抑郁 自我概念 SCL—90
Depressive Emotion and Self-concept of Middle School Students: A Preliminary Study
Liu Huijun & Shi Junjie Department of Education, Hebei University, Baoding, CHINA 071002
【Abstract】Objective: To study the characteristics of self-concept in middle school students with depressive emotion. Methods: A study group including 59 subjects in depressive state and a control group including 339 students without depressive emotion were screened out from 398 students of different grades by SCL-90 Song-Hattie Self-concept Scale was used to investigate the difference of self-concept between the two groups. In addition, the differences of gender and grade in study group were analyzed. Results: The self-concept of study group was significantly lower than that of control group, especially in the dimensions of family self-concept, class self-concept, self-confidence, and ability self-concept. There was no difference of gender and grade in those with depressive emotion. Conclusions: The state of emotion is related to the self-concept of middle school students. The results can provide evidence for psycho-consultation in this population. 【Key words】middle school students depressive emotion self-concept SCL—90
自我概念(又称为自我知觉、自我结构、自我图式)是指一个人关于自己的观点和看法。当个体把自己当成认识对象时,就会对自己的能力、特长、外表和社会接受性等产生知觉并形成关于自己的一般观念—自我概念。它既是社会心理学的重要研究范畴,也是临床心理学中用来解释情绪困扰或其它心理与行为问题的核心概念。现代情绪认知观点把自我概念与情绪问题联系起来,借以说明自我认知的一种机能,并阐释负性情绪体验发生的认知机制。贝克(A.Beck,1967)主张用“自我图式”来解释抑郁(1)。希金斯(Higgins,1987),王垒、付凯(1995)(2)和郭力平(1996)等人(3)的研究也都肯定了自我认知与抑郁情绪的对应关系。 中学阶段正是自我概念发展的关键时期,也是出现青春期“[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 人际关系训练对大学生心理健康水平的影响 下一个医学论文: 自发性高血压大鼠高胰岛素血症对血管反应性的影响及药物干预的实验研究