人际关系训练对大学生心理健康水平的影响 |
【摘 要】 目的:研究人际关系训练对大学生心理健康水平的影响。方法:采用“交朋友小组”的方法对63名大学生进行人际关系方面为期5周的训练,训练前后分别测查SCL-90,并用Q分类法检验自我评价效果。结果:集体人际关系训练后,在交友信心,乐观心态,坦率心态,开放程度,责任心,口头表达,对人欣赏,说服技巧及拒绝技巧方面均比训练前均有显著和极显著提高;且自我评价的SCL-90各因子得分训练后比训练前改善也都有显著和极显著差异。结论:人际关系训练对大学生近期心理健康水平改善有效,也深受大学生欢迎。 【关键词】 人际关系训练 心理健康 SCL-90
Influence of Interpersonal Relationship Training on Mental Health of Undergraduates
Ouyang Wenzhen & Kong Weimin Department of Psychology, Fuyang Normal College, Anhui Province, CHINA 236000
【Abstract】Objective: To study the influence of interpersonal relationship training on mental health of undergraduates. Methods: A total of 63 undergraduates were enrolled by poster, and were trained on interpersonal relationship in form of "group of making friends" for five weeks. SCL-90 was tested before and after the training. The method of Q grouping was used for testing the effects of self-evaluation. Results: A series of aspects of interpersonal relationship including confidence of making friends, optimistic attitude, frank attitude, the degree of opening, responsibility, oral expression, appreciation of others, persuading technique, and refusal technique were significantly improved after training. Self-estimation in factors of SCL-90 was also improved significantly. Conclusion: The interpersonal relationship training is effective in improving the mental health of undergraduates. 【Key words】 interpersonal relationship training mental health SCL-90
对象 被试为阜阳师范学院的在校大学生,以海报形式招收参加“大学生人际关系训练班”学生共69名,经过初次面谈和SCL-90量表筛选,筛掉过分偏执及不合作的学生6名,分4期对63名在校大学生进行人际关系的集体训练。其中男生38名,女生25名,年龄17-25岁,平均20.65岁。 方法 1.采用修补实验设计模式,其具体形式为: A组 X-训练 O1-后测 B组 O2-前测 X-训练 O3-后测 该设计的处理X的测定是将第一组(A组)的后测分数与第二组(B组)的前测分数(O1与O2)比[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 大学生神经症影响因素的病例对照研究 下一个医学论文: 抑郁情绪与中学生的自我概念初探