综合性医院住院老年人认知功能的调查研究 |
吴文源 李玉珊 陆峥 李春波 刘美兰 崔海松 何康梅 潘红芬 郭珍 姚军
【摘 要】 目的:分析综合性医院老年病人认知功能异常的检出率、特点及其影响因素。方法:取1997年1月15日上海甘泉医院住院病人(年龄≥60岁)164例。调查工具为中文版简易智能状态检查(MMSE)。根据MMSE评分划分为正常组和异常组。结果:①性别、教育程度对正常组与异常组MMSE均有影响;二组与教育程度密切有关,高文化程度对语言的短时记忆、物体命名有一定保护作用;但正常组随年龄增高,分数呈降低趋势,异常组MMSE总分、因子分则与年龄无相关;异常组受性别影响程度高于正常组,呈负相关。②认知功能异常检出率为14.0%。结论:对60岁以上住院病人进行常规认知功能筛选,以利早期诊断痴呆。 【关键词】 综合性医院 老年病人 认知功能
A Survey of Cognitive Function of Elderly Inpatients in General Hospital
Wu Wenyuan, Li Yushan, Lu Zheng, et al. Ganquan Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Railway Medical College, Shanghai, CHINA 200065
【Abstract】Objective: To investigate the prevalence, characteristics and influencing factors of cognitive dysfunction of elderly inpatients in general hospital. Methods: A total of 164 elderly inpatients aged more than 60 years old were selected from Ganquan Hospital on January 15, 1997 and were screened by a Chinese version of Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE).They were divided into normal group or abnormal group according to the scores of MMSE. Results: (1) Gender, age and educational level had influence on the scores of MMSE in both groups. High educational level had some protective effects on short time memory and object naming. The scores of normal group presented a decreasing tendency with age s increase, but the total scores and factorial scores of abnormal group had no correlation with age. The influencing extent of gender in abnormal group was higher than that in normal group. (2) The prevalence of cognitive dysfunction was 14.0%. Conclusion: Routine cognitive screen can detect dementia earlier in elderly inpatients. 【Key words】general hospital elderly inpatient cognitive function
随着人类寿命的普遍提高,痴呆已成为日益突出的问题。上海老年人群中痴呆的患病率已达3.46%(60岁以上)[1],但如何发现早期的或轻性的痴呆是一个具有实际意义的难题。80年代后期张明园等在上海市老年人心身健康调查中研制出一套适合国情的痴呆和阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer s disease,AD)筛选和诊断工具,成为社区痴呆研究中被广泛应用的标准化工具。 本研究应用张氏的筛选和诊断工具对综合性医院住院老年病人的认知功能进行了调查,以[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 高压氧治疗对老年脑梗塞患者神经心理障碍改善作用的评价 下一个医学论文: 消化性溃疡患者的心理防御机制分析