失眠症者睡眠的主观评估和多导睡眠图对比分析 |
李冲 贾福军 谭春英 杜好瑞 李战文
【摘 要】目的:探讨失眠症患者对睡眠评估的心理特征。方法:应用多导睡眠图对50例失眠症患者进行整夜睡眠描记,次日早晨起床后询问夜间睡眠情况,并与22名正常人进行对比分析。结果:与对照组比较,失眠症组睡眠潜伏期长,睡眠时间减少,睡眠效率低(P<0.01);失眠症主观评估的睡眠潜伏期,总睡眠时间和睡眠效率与多导睡眠图结果比较具有显著不一致(P<0.05~0.01)。结论:失眠症组不但睡眠质量低于正常人,而且有着过高估价睡眠潜伏期和过低估价睡眠时间的倾向,供临床参考。 【关键词】 睡眠 失眠症 主观评估 多导睡眠图
Comparative Analysis of Subjective Estimation and Polysomnography of Sleep in Patients with Insomnia
Li Chong, Jia Fujun, Tan Chunying, et al. Sleep Research Laboratory, Henan Psychiatric Hospital, Xinxiang, CHINA 453002
【Abstract】Objective: To investigate the psychological characteristics of sleep estimation of the patients with insomnia. Methods: The all-night polysomnography recording was conducted in 50 patients with insomnia and 22 normal controls. The sleep latency, total sleep time and sleep efficiency were rated after getting up the next morning. The results were analyzed by t-test. Results: Compared with normal controls, the insomnia group had prolonged sleep latency, shortened sleep time, and low sleep efficiency (p<0.01). The sleep latency, total sleep time and sleep efficiency acquired from subjective estimation were significantly not consistent with the results of polysomnography (p<0.05 or 0.01). Conclusions: The insomnia patients not only have lower sleep quality, but also present a tendency to overestimate the sleep latency and underestimate the sleep time. 【Key words】sleep insomnia subjective estimation polysomnography
对象 1.失眠症组50例,男26例,女24例。年龄26~71岁,平均47.34±12.11岁。病程2月~10年,病人均符合美国睡眠障碍协会出版的睡眠障碍国际分类一诊断和编码手册[1]失眠症诊断标准的本院门诊病人,多以入睡困难,夜间醒转次数多,早醒而入组,并排除伴有躯体疾病或精神疾病所引起的失眠。 2.对照组22名,男12名,女10名。年龄35~67岁,平均58.64±14.21岁,系本院心身健康无失眠的职工和家属。 实验方法 1.实验室 为无干扰的单人屏蔽睡眠室(遮光,隔音,室温18~25℃,湿度50%~70%)及单独描记间[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 27例重症肌无力患者的记忆功能测评 下一个医学论文: Eysenck人格维度与心向量图横面T环顺钟向运行及发生心脏神经官能症相关性分析