中国人肱骨的年龄鉴定 |
张维彬 丁士海
【摘要】 目的 对肱骨上端骨松质长度和骨松质指数进行年龄鉴定。 方法 随机拍摄10~93岁177例(男90例,女87例)汉族人上肢双侧肩部前后位X线片。每个性别的观察对象分成9个年龄组,分别测量X线片上肱骨上端骨松质长度,计算肱骨上端骨松质指数。 结果 肱骨上端骨松质长度与指数随年龄增长逐渐变小,与年龄呈高度负相关。根据肱骨上端骨松质长度和指数与年龄的关系得出回归方程。 结论 利用肱骨上端骨松质长度和骨松质指数可为年龄鉴定提供一种新方法。 【关键词】 骨髓腔 年龄鉴定 X线片 肱骨
Zhang Weibin, Ding Shihai△* (Institute of Clinical Anatomy, First Military Medical University, Guangzhou; *Department of Anatomy, Qingdao Medical College of Qingdo University, Qingdo)
【Abstract】 Objective To determine age by the length and the index of substantia spongiosa of the superior humeral end. Methods Ninety men and eighty-seven women aged from 10 to 93 years old were radiographed. Each person got one anteroposterior radiograph of each shoulder. The subjects were divided into nine age-groups in both sexes. The length of the substantia spongiosa of the superior humeral end was measured on the radiographs and the indices were determined by the ratio of the length of the substantia spongiosa of the superior humeral end to the whole length of the humerus. Results The length of the substantia spongiosa of the superior humeral end and the indices were both closely negatively related to age. We got two formulas for each sex according to these data. Conclusion A new method was provided for age determination in forensic medicine and physical anthropology. 【Key words】 Humerus; Bone marrow cavity; Age determination; Radiographs
1.观察对象 对10~93岁177例(男90例,女87例)观察对象拍摄双肩部前后位片,共收集354侧可观察X线片。共分9个年龄组:10~14.9岁为10岁组,15~19.9岁为15岁组,20~29.9岁为20岁组,以后以相同的方法分各年龄组。各性别年龄组观察对象的例数及身高见表1。 2.观察和测量项目及方法
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