1990 1996年辽宁省布鲁氏菌病流行特点分析 |
孙广玖1 赵恒云1 王占乙2 耿力华3 孟广浩4
摘要 为认清布鲁氏菌病(布病)疫情回升的原因、疫情发展趋势和人群不同生理状态与布病发病的关系,我们对1990~1996年辽宁省的布病疫情调查资料进行了分析。结果:疫情回升的主要原因是引进小尾寒羊,疫情以散点状多发疫点形式分布,多数疫点扩大,铁岭、抚顺2个市已呈明显融合成2个市范围的大片疫区的趋势;布病危害的人群主要是农区养羊户家庭人口,怀孕导致人体对布氏菌易感性增高,接触同样病畜污染环境的城乡人口发病率有显著性差异。 关键词 布鲁氏菌 布鲁氏菌病
An Epidemiologic Analysis of Brucellosis in Liaoning Province,1990-1996 Sun Guangjiu*,Zhao Hengyun,Wang Zhanyi,et al.*Health and Antiepidemic Station of Liaoning Province,Shenyang 110005 Abstract In order to understand the increasing incidence rate of Brucellosis,the relationship between the epidemic trend and physical conditions of humans,data regarding Brucellosis in Liaoning province,in 1990-1996 was analysed.Results showed that the major cause which led to the Brucellosis recurrence was the importation of sheep named short-tail cold-resistant.The distribution of disease was widely spread.However,most endemic foci were being expanded.The spots in Tieling and Fushun area were merged and became one endemic area.Brucellosis maily involved in the farmer s family that raise sheep while pregnancy make women at reprodactive age susceptible to the disease.The incidence rate in city and rural areas were significantly different despite that they had the same environment that bacteria-carrier sheep were raised. Key words Brucella Brucellosis
资料源于1990年始,我省布病疫情流行病学调查结果。皮内变态反应、血清学试验(SAT、RBPT)和诊断标准均按《布鲁氏菌病防治手册》(内部资料)方法进行,所用试剂由中国预防医学科学院流行病学微生物学研究所和中国兽药监察所提供。 畜间:对可疑病畜(牛、羊)的来源,可疑病畜及与之接触畜的血清学检验结果进行统计理。 人间:对与病畜(血检阳性)有不同程度接触的人群,以及处于不同情况(包括怀孕、女性更年期等)特殊人群的血清学检测结果和发病情况等进行统计处理。
结 果
一、疫区分布:1990~1996年,辽宁省布病疫情回升疫区,多分布于以农业为主兼营畜牧业的平原和低矮山地(辽宁无草原),以林业为主的山区无布病疫情回升,而且疫情呈多发性散点状[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 山东省1990 1996年农区人间布鲁氏菌病流行特点调查分析 下一个医学论文: 丙型肝炎疫苗研究现状及策略