我国不同地区麻疹流行特点分析 |
杨志伟 张 建 张兴录 薛禾生 杨功焕 王克安
摘要 在对我国麻疹流行特点初步分析的基础上,采用主成分与聚类分析的方法,根据各地自然、经济条件,麻疹的流行特点及计划免疫工作状况等,将我国除西藏(因资料不全)外的29个省、市、自治区分为麻疹控制较好、一般、较差和高危四类。文章建议,对麻疹控制较好地区应着手建立麻疹监测系统;第二类地区应在建立麻疹监测系统的同时,考虑实施强化免疫;第三类地区应在考虑强化免疫的同时,重点加强对爆发疫情的监测和处理能力;而第四类地区应进一步加强常规免疫,开展局部强化免疫,减少麻疹爆发。 关键词 麻疹 流行病学 主成分分析 聚类分析
Classification of Measles Control Situation in Different Areas of China Yang Zhiwei,Zhang Jian,Zhang Xinglu,et al.Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine,Beijing 100050 Abstract Based on initial description of measles epidemiology,principal component analysis and cluster analysis were applied to analyze the epidemiological pattern of measles in China.Several indicators of socioeconomic status,epidemiological characteristics of measles,as well as status of EPI performance were selected as creteria for classification.It was demonstrated that four groups could be identified as undercontrol,moderate,less advanced and poor areas in terms of the status of measles controlled program.Different strategies were recommanded for different groups.For the undercontrol areas,establishment of measles surveillance system should be prioritized.For the moderate epidemic areas,supplemental immunization should be considered while measles surveillance system is initiated.In the less advanced areas, supplemental immunization and strengthening outbreak response activities should be considered.For poor areas,routine measles immunization needs further improvement to reduce outbreaks. Key words Measles Epidemiology Principal component analysis Cluster analysis
一、资料来源:①1981~1995年全国麻 疹疫情资料;②国家统计局资料(人均国民收入、人口资料、地理地貌);③计划免疫以乡为单位儿童免疫接种率85%目标审评资料(免疫覆盖率);④急性弛缓性麻痹病例(AFP)监测评审资料。 二、指标的选择:①基础指标:人口出生率(X1)、人口密度(X2)、人均国民收入(X3)、城市化程度(城市人口占该地总人口的百分比,X4)、地理地貌(山区地理面积[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 福建省五型病毒性肝炎流行特征 下一个医学论文: 高危人群HIV感染状况的流行病学分析