牛磺酸对大鼠慢性缺氧性肺动脉高压的预防作用 |
李志斌 邹霞英
摘 要 目的:进一步研究牛磺酸对慢性缺氧性肺动脉高压的防治作用。方法:复制大鼠间断缺氧4周模型,采用透射电镜、放射免疫和生化技术研究牛磺酸对肺动脉高压的治疗效果。结果:缺氧4周大鼠肺动脉压力升高,右心肥大,血中ET-1、ACE水平升高,NO-2/NO-3和SOD水平降低;MPAP与ET-1呈正相关,与NO-2/NO-3呈负相关;牛磺酸可抑制缺氧大鼠ET-1和ACE分泌,增加NO和SOD水平,降低肺动脉压力;透射电镜观察表明牛磺酸能对抗缺氧大鼠的心肺组织损伤。结论:牛磺酸通过减轻缺氧所致细胞损伤,调节血管舒缩物质的平衡,对缺氧性肺高压有一定防治作用。 主题词 低氧;高血压,肺性;牛磺酸
The preventive effects of taurine on chronic hypoxic pulmonary hypertension in rats
LI Zhi-Bin, ZOU Xia-Ying Department of Respiratory Medicine, General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Command, Guangzhou (510010)
Abstract AIM: To study the preventive effect of taurine on chronic hypoxic pulmonary hypertension (PH). METHODS:Transmission electron microscope, radioimmunoassay and biochemical analysis were used to assay the role of taurine. RESULTS:The mean pulmonary arterial pressure, the concentration of plasma endothelin-1(ET-1) and the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) were significantly higher in the hypoxic rat than that in control animals. The contents of blood nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were significantly lower in the hypoxic rat than that in control animals. Taurine reduced the release of ET-1 and ACE, increased the level of NO and SOD. Ultrastructural examination revealed that the injuries of the ultrastructure of heart and lung in rat with PH were improved obviously by pretreatment with taurine.CONCLUSION:The taurine could protect and extenuate hypoxia-induced injuries of cells, regulate the balance of vasomotor factors under hypoxic condition. The taurine could effectively prevent and treat the chronic hypoxic PH. MeSH Anoxia; Hypertension, pulmonary; Taurine
在缺氧性肺动脉高压(pulmonary hypertension, PH)的研究中,越来越重视对血管内皮细胞(endothelial cells, EC)功能调节。据报道,缺氧可致EC受损,EC合成、释放一些收缩/舒张因子的功能平衡失调,诱发血管平滑肌收缩和增殖,逐渐形成PH。牛磺酸能拮抗缺血、缺氧和中毒等多种病理条件下的细胞损伤,且毒副作用小,故受到普遍关注[1]。本文着重研究牛磺酸对慢性缺氧性PH防治作用。
1、动物分组:Wistar雄性大鼠30只,体重200~300 g,随机分成3组[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 大鼠皮质N 下一个医学论文: U46619对培养的人气道平滑肌细胞增殖的作用