大鼠皮质N |
罗成义 徐如祥 王清华
摘 要 目的:观测N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸(NMDA)受体在脑损伤后的变化规律以及与继发性脑水肿发生和发展的关系。方法:用放射性配基结合分析法对伤后不同时间的大鼠伤侧大脑皮质NMDA受体活性进行测定;用干湿法测伤后伤侧皮质水含量。结果:NMDA受体活性(Bmax)于伤后30 min迅速上升达高峰,脑水肿于伤后6~24 h最明显;用NMDA受体的竞争性拮抗剂AP5(2-amino-5-phosphonlanoic acid)治疗后,脑水肿及NMDA受体活性与损伤组比较明显降低。结论:脑损伤后释放的谷氨酸可通过激活NMDA受体而发挥神经元兴奋毒作用。 主题词 脑损伤;脑水肿;大鼠
The changes of NMDA receptor activities in neuronal membrane after brain injury
LUO Cheng-Yi, XU Ru-Xiang, WANG Qing-Hua Department of Neurosurgery, Zhujiang Hospital, The First Military Medical University, Guangzhou(510282)
Abstract AIM To study the changes of NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptor activities and its relationship to secondary brain edema after brain injury. METHODS:NMDA receptor activities of neuronal membrane in the brain cortex were detected by using a radio ligand binding assay at different time after brain injury, the water contents of brain cortex were measured by dry-wet method.RESULTS:Bmax of NMDA receptor increased significantly and reached the peak at 30 minutes and the increase of water contents were obvious from 6 to 24 hours after brain injury; After treated with AP5(2-amino-5-phosphonlanoic acids), a selective NMDA receptor antagonist, the water contents and NMDA receptor antagonist, the water contents and NMDA receptor activities on neuron membrane decreased significanty compared to normal control group.CONCLUSION:Released glutamic acid might generate excitatoxic effect by activating NMDA receptor after brain injury. MeSH Brain injuries; Brain edema; Rats
脑损伤后早期谷氨酸大量释放,作用于其受体而发挥兴奋性神经毒作用[1],从而加重了脑损伤继发性损害,但主要通过何种受体发挥作用尚有争议。谷氨酸受体大致可分为N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸(N-methyl-D-aspartate, NMDA)受体和非NMDA受体两类,我们以NMDA受体为研究对象,对脑损伤及AP5治疗后不同时间伤侧大脑皮质NMDA受体活性与含水量进行测定,以探讨脑损伤后NMDA受体活性的时相变化与脑损伤继发性脑水肿的关系。
一、主要试剂: [3 H]-L-谷氨酸([3H]-L-Glu, 181.1×1010Bq/mmol, Sigma),3±2-羟基哌嗪丙基磷酸3-[(±)-2-ca-rboxypiperazin-4-yl]-propyl-[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 牛磺酸和甘糖酯对糖尿病大鼠自由基防御机能和肾脏功能的影响 下一个医学论文: 牛磺酸对大鼠慢性缺氧性肺动脉高压的预防作用