不同化学杂交剂 CHA 对小麦花药同工酶影响的研究 |
沈银柱 刘植义 黄占景 何聪芬 柏 峰 马闻师 朱正歌 葛荣朝 许顺芝 岳聚兴 张中良
摘要:在小麦叶枕距±2cm时, 喷施4种不同化学杂交剂(CHA)后, 分别取小孢子处于不同发育阶段的花药, 进行过氧化酶(POD)、淀粉酶(Amy)和酯酶(Est)等同工酶的分析。研究表明: 在小孢子母细胞减数分裂期, 处理2、3和4 三种CHA对POD的A1、A2; B2、B4和B5; C1、C2和C3同工酶带的活性均有明显的抑制作用; 处理5除去对A1和A2表现抑制外, 对其他酶带的活性均有增强作用。在单核早期, 处理2和3的A、B和C区POD 同工酶活性均明显低于对照; 处理4和5上述各区POD同工酶活性却明显高于对照。 在上述两个发育时期, 处理2对Amy1区酶活性有增强作用, 而处理3、4和5对该区酶活性却表现了专一性的抑制。各处理对Est同工酶A区和B 区的酶活性主要表现为抑制。实验结果表明, 不同的CHA均通过干扰花药的物质和能量代谢而导致雄性生理性不育。 关键词:小麦;化学杂交剂;同工酶;雄性生理性不育 中图分类号:Q37 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0253-9772(1999)05-0041-46
A Study of Effect on Different CHA to Wheat Anther Isoenzymes
SHEN Yin-zhu,LIU Zhi-yi,HUANG Zhan-jing,HE Cong-fen CBAI Feng,MA Wen-shi,ZHU Zheng-ge,GE Rong-chao (Department of Biology,Hebei Normal University,Shijiazhuang050016China) XU Shun-zhi,YUE Ju-xing,ZHANG Zhong-liang (Original Seed Farm of Luancheng County,Luancheng051430China)
Abstract:When the distance between wheat (T. aestivum ) flag leaf and it s adjucent leaf is about ± 2cm, four different kinds of CHA (Chemical Hybridizing Agents) were sprayed, then we took the anthers which were at different microspore s development stages to make POD、Amy and Est isoenzymes analysis. The study showed that: during the microsporocyte meiophase, treatmant 2、3 and 4, the three kinds of CHAs had evident inhibitation on the activity of POD s bands A1、A2; bands B2、B4 and B5; bands C1、C2and C3. CHA of treatment 5 had inhibitation on bands A1 and A2, but could promote the activity of the other POD bands. During the early uninucleate stage, the POD activity on area A、area B and area C with CHAs of treatment 2、3 was obviousely lower than the control. But in these areas POD activity with CHAs of treatment 4、5 was obviousely higher than the control. During the above two development stages, CHA of treatment 2 obviously strengthened the activity of Amy1area; on the other hand, CHAs of treatment 3、4 and[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 不同发育阶段水稻苗高的QTL分析 下一个医学论文: 烟草数量性状遗传距离与杂种优势关系的研究