三个家猪品种和rob易位群染色体分带多态性的比较 |
胡 边 孙金海,赵志辉
摘要:对家猪不同品种及家系间的染色体组型、C-带、Ag-NORs多态性进行的研究表明:杜洛克猪、约克夏猪、长白猪体细胞染色体数2n=38,核型2n=10sm+12m+4st+12t, 而13/17易位纯合子猪(36, rob. 13/17)的体细胞染色体数2n=36,核型2n=10sm+12m+6st+8t; 13/17易位杂合子猪(37,rob. 13/17)的体细胞染色体数目为 2n=37,核型为2n=10sm+12m+5st+10t。5种家猪的C-带在13~18号染色体上存在大、中、小三种类型, 且呈多态性分布。杜洛克猪、约克夏猪、长白猪、13/17易位纯合子猪、13/17易位杂合子猪的Ag-NORs均数分别为2.05、2.06、2.00、1.99、1.98,说明Ag-NORs在品种、个体及细胞间具有多态性。 关健词:家猪;染色体;C-带;银染核仁组织区;多态性 中图分类号:Q343;QQ952.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0253-9772(1999)05-0027-30
Comparative Study on Polymorphism of the Banding Chromosome Among Three Breedsof Domestic Pigs and Rob Colony Translocation
HU Bian (Instiutr of Chinical Medicine,Urumqi General Hospital of Lanzhou Command.PLA,Urumnqi830000,China) SUN Jin-hai,ZHAO Zhi-hui (Animal Science Departmet Veterinary Colleg of PLA,?Changchun130062,China)
Abstract:The present experiment is carried out to make comparative stdy on polymorphism of chromosome Karyotypes, C-band ?and Ag-NORs of different breeds and strains in domestic Pigs. The results showed that the chromosome number of somatic cell in Duroc, Yorkshire and Landrace Pig Was 38 and the karyotype was 2n=10sm+12m+4st+12t. But in heterozygous Rob 13/17(37, rob. 13/17) Pig, the chromosome number of somatic cell was 37 andthe karyotype was 2n=10sm+12m+5st+10t, while in homozygousRob 13/17(36, rob. 13/17) Pig, the somatic cell chromosome number was 36 and the karyotype was 2n=10sm+12m+6st+8t. It was also showed that there were three C-band types in size on chromosome No. 13-18 showing polymorphism in three breeds and two strains of domestic Pigs. The average of Ag-NORs in Duroc, yorkshire,Landrace, homozygous Rob. 13/17 and heterozygous Rob. 13/17 Pig was 2.05, 2.06, 2.00, 1.99 and 1.98, respectively. It is suggested that Ag-NORs have polymorphism among strains, which can be used as a genetic index to analyse relationships among domestic animals with high reliability.
[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 家猪减数分裂粗线期二价体与有丝分裂中期染色体的比较研究 下一个医学论文: 锯缘摄龟和齿缘摄龟的核型与Ag