人APP基因C |
乌永中 马康涛 张乃蘅
摘要:APP在AD病因学中是一个重要的分子,但到目前为止尚缺乏良好的动物和细胞模型用来探讨APP在AD发病中的作用。本研究旨在建立过表达人APP基因C-末端片段的遗传工程细胞系。将人APP695cDNA 中编码C-末端105 个氨基酸的片段重组到真核表达载体pDORneo中形成重组质粒pDORneo-CT, 然后用脂质体将其转染到大鼠肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤细胞(PC12)中。用800μg/ml G418 筛选获得了在mRNA 和蛋白质水平均表达相应片段的稳定细胞系。细胞形态学观察和MTT,LDH分析表明, 该片段在细胞内的表达未能对NGF处理的PC12细胞产生明显的毒性作用。 关键词:反转录病毒表达载体;APP-片段;PC12 细胞;阿尔茨海默氏病 中图分类号:Q39 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0253-9772(1999)05-009-13
The Stable Expression of Human APPGene C-terminal Fragment in PC12 Cell Lines and Its Influence on the Growth and Development of Cells
WU Yong-zhong,MA Kang-tao,ZHANG Nai-heng (Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,Beijing Medical University,Beijing100083,China)
Abstract:The major obstacles to clarify molecular mechanisms involved in amyloid metabolism of Alzheimer s disease has been the unavailability of animal and cell models for this unique human disease. The present research was aimed at establishing genetically engineering cell lines that overexpress the C-terminal fragment of human APPgene. Cloned human APPcDNA and retrovirus eukaryocytic expressing vector pDoRneo were used to prepare for the transformed PC12 Cell lines. RT-PCR and Western Blot showed that stable transfectants which express the correspoding fragment of APPgene in mRNA and protein level have been obtained. Morphological observation and MTT, LDH assay showed that no apparent toxic effects have been observed. Key words:Retrovirus vector;APP-fragment;PC12cell;Alzheimer s disease
阿尔茨海默氏病(Alzheimer Disease, AD)是继心脏病,癌症,中风之后引起人类死亡的重要疾病〔1〕。其神经病理学特征是脑组织及脑血管上的老年斑沉积〔2~3〕。β-淀粉样蛋白(β-amyloid protein, Aβ)是老年斑的主要组分。Aβ来源于其前体APP(amyloid precursor protein)〔4〕。目前许多证据表明, APP基因的点突变、代谢异常及过表达所引起的Aβ的聚集, 是AD发病的重要原因之一〔5~6〕。但到目前为止, 尚缺乏良好的动物及细胞模型用来阐明APP在AD发病中的作用。本研究旨在利用分子生物学及细胞生物学技术建立过量表达人APPC-末端片段的遗传工程细胞系。并探讨APP基因片段的表达产物对类神经细胞PC12细胞的作用,为认识AD的发病机制及治疗打下基础。
[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 青海藏族HLA II类基因多态性的研究 下一个医学论文: 利用PCR