青海藏族HLA II类基因多态性的研究 |
李霞 季碧霞 张咸宁 朱定良 庚镇城
摘要:用PCR-RFLP的技术进一步研究了青海藏族HLA-DPB1的多态性。在19个HLA-DPB1 的等位基因中,共检出18个等位基因。其中,*0501的频率最高(AF=38.0%);其次为*0201(AF=20.0%);未检出*1601。在HLA-DPB1各等位基因的分布上,藏族与中国南方汉族、中国北方汉族等无明显差异,而与高加索人及尼格罗人的差异则较为显著。综合隶属于三大人种11个群体中的HLA-DQA1、-DQB1和-DPB1基因座各等位基因的分布频率,用UPGMA方法构建了分子系统树, 实验结果进一步证实汉藏同源说。 关键词:藏族;PCR-RFLP;HLA-DPB1;分子系统树 中图分类号:Q347 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0253-9772(1999)05-005-8
Polymorphism of HLAClassII Genes in the Zang(Tibetan) Nationality (continued)
LI Xia,JI Bi-xia,ZHANG Xian-ning,ZHU Ding-liang,GENG Zhen-cheng (Institute of Genetics,Fudan University,Shanghai200433,China)
Abstract:Following the study of the polymorphism of the HLA-DQA1and -DQB1in Tibetans of Qinghai Province, the polymorphism of the HLA-DPB1was investigated by the same technique—PCR-RFLP. Among the 19 detectable alleles of HLA-DPB1gene, 18 alleles were detected. The allele *0501 was the most frequent one (AF=38.0%); the allele *0201 (AF=20.0%)was the second one; and *1601 was not found by this technique. Compared with that of Southern Han and Northern Han nationality in China, the distribution of the alleles showed little difference; while compared with that of the Caucasoid and Negroid, it showed significant difference. The result of this report confirmed once more that the Tibetan and Han nationalities came from the same ancestors. Based on the allele frequencies of the three loci within HLAclass II region-HLA-DQA1、-DQB1and -DPB1from 11 groups among three main races in the world, a molecular phylogenetic tree was constructed with the method UPGMA. Key words:Tibetan;PCR-RFLP;HLA-DPB1;Molecular phylogenetic tree
人类主要组织相容性白细胞表面抗原(HLA)是已知的人类遗传系统中最具多态性的。且其等位基因的变化与免疫功能密切相关。据报道,HLA复合体包括100多个基因座共554个等位基因〔1〕。研究各民族的HLA基因遗传构成,对于追溯其起源和演化,探索与HLA关联的自身免疫性疾病基因,都具有重要意义。藏族 是中国56个兄弟民族中的一员,发源于西藏境内的雅鲁藏布江流域中游地区,现主要聚居于西藏、青海、四川、甘肃、云南等省〔2〕。为进一步研究藏族HLAII类基因的多态性,探明在DNA水平上藏族与汉族及其他各民族之间的关系,我们又进行了HLA-DPB1多态性的研究[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 中华眼镜蛇短链神经毒素cDNA的克隆及在大肠杆菌中的表达 下一个医学论文: 人APP基因C