大鼠精子发生中核基质 |
appear to be attached to the nuclear envelope and the cell surface. In the stages Ⅹ-Ⅺ, the NM bends between Ap and Ca. Furthermore Ap becomes more curved in the stages ⅩⅡ-ⅩⅣ. And that some IF links the tip of Ap and the region that connects the Ap and Ca. SDS-PAGE shows that there are some changes in the proteins of NM-L-IF below 40kD and no significantly changes in higher 40kD in different cells. In spermatocytes, the proteins of lower MW have high affinity to the A-T repetitive DNA fragment, but it is only in round spermatids that some proteins of higher 40kD have strong affinity. Conclusion Some proteins change their affinity to the given DNA fragment depending on spermatogenesis. It suggests that the NM-L-IF is the most important in the condensation and remodeling of the sperm nucleus and in the morphogenesis of spermatids. 【Key words】 Spermatogenesis; Nuclear matrix-lamina-intermediate filament; Whole mount electron microscopy
核基质(nuclear matrix)是存在于真核生物细胞核内的一种精细的非组蛋白网络结构,它与核纤层(lamina)以及胞质中的中间丝(intermediate filament)相互联系形成一个贯穿细胞核细胞质的纤维网络体系,称为核基质-核纤层-中间丝体系(NM-L-IF)[1]。它不仅是细胞形态的支架,而且参与细胞内的许多重要生命活动,如DNA复制基因的表达调控,RNA合成修饰等,在细胞生长、分化、分裂、细胞的信息传递和肿瘤发生等方面均起着重要作用[2]。 精子发生是指精原细胞经过一系列发育阶段成为精子的过程,包括3个阶段:有丝分裂,减数分裂和精子形成[3]。由于核基质-核纤层-中间丝体系在细胞中的重要作用,推测其可能在精子发生中也起着不可忽视的作用,对其深入研究将有助于精子发生机制的阐明,为人们寻找薄弱环节控制男性生殖提供依据及指导[3]。我们运用整装电镜技术、SDS-PAGE和Southwestern blot技术对部分分离的生精细胞的核基质-核纤层-中间丝体系的形态结构、蛋白组成及与DNA的相互作用进行研究,以探讨其在精子发生中变化趋向和作用。
1.材料 1.1 实验动物:成熟Wistar大鼠购自中国医学科学院动物所动物繁育场。 1.2 主要试剂:CSK-TritonX-100 细胞骨架缓冲液[10mol/L PIPES,100mol/L KCl,300 mmol/L sucrose, 3mmol/L MgCl2, 1mmol/L EGTA,1.2mol/L PMSF,2mg/L aportinin, 0.5%(v/v) Triton Ⅹ-100, pH 6.8], RBS-Majik(42.5 mmol/L Tris-Cl,8.5 mmol/L NaCl,2.6 mmol/L MgCl2,1.2 mmol/L PMSF, 2mg/L aportinin, 1% Tween 40,0.5%脱氧胆酸钠,pH7.4),样品溶解液(2% SDS, 10%甘油,5% β-巯基乙醇,0.2%溴酚蓝,0.01mol/L Tris-Cl,pH6.8),预杂交液(10 mmol/L Tris-Cl,pH7.5,50 mmol/L NaCl,1mmol/L EDTA,0.1% picoll 400,0.1% BSA,0.上一页 [1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 自发性高血压大鼠主动脉弓重建的形态学研究 下一个医学论文: ATP活化的小鼠巨噬细胞通讯功能的研究