连云港市第一医院1988 1996年流行性乙型脑炎住院患者临床流行病学分析 |
孙 贵
摘要 为研究近9年来连云港市第一人民医院流行性乙型脑炎(简称乙脑)住院患儿的发病率及死亡率,对在1988~1996年之间儿科住院的107例乙脑患者进行临床流行病学分析。结果:107例占9年中总住院数0.65%,其中农村98例,城市9例,农村与城市之比为10.8∶1。大多数在4岁以下发病,计87例,占81.31%。9年中的发病时间均集中于7月下旬及8月上中旬。其中1990年及1992年两年的住院病例最多,共55例,占总数的51.40%,分别占全年总病例数的1.56%及1.53%。说明乙脑有严格的季节性,若将前4年与后5年作一比较,显示出后5年比前4年住院病例有减少,轻型、普通型有明显增加,而重型、极重型明显减少。全市的发病率及死亡率也有明显下降。 关键词 流行性乙型脑炎 发病率 流行病学 Epidemiological Analysis on Inpatients with Epidemic Encephalitis B at NO.1 Hospital of Lian Yungang from 1988-1996 Sun Gui. Department of Pediatrics No.1 Hospital of Lian Yungang, Jiangsu 222002 Abstract To study the morbidity and mortality of inpatients with epidemic encephalitis B (EEB) admitted to No.1 hospital of Lian Yungang city from 1988-1996, 107 inpatients with EEB in the pediatrics department the hospital were analyzed epidemiologically. Results showed that 107 children with EEB had a proportion of 0.65% to all children admitted in the pediatrics department during that 9 years including 98 cases from the countryside and 9 cases from cities. The ratio was 10.8/1.0 when comparing countryside to city. 87 inpatients (81.3%)of EEB children were below 4 year of age consisting. Most patients were infected in late July or early August in 1990 and 1992 with number of 55 out of 107 (51.4%) that consisted 1.56% and 1.53% of the inpatients in pediatrics those years. It was concluded that EEB had a strict seasonal feature. By comparing data from the first 4 years with the latter 5 years, we noticed that the incidence of the latter had a considerable decrease with more milder cases. The morbidity and mortality of the whole city also appeared a decreasing tendency. Key words Epidemic encephalitis B Incidence Epidemiology
每年对疑似乙脑的病例均收住院进行诊治。根据流行病学、临床表现及体征、脑脊液检查进行诊断。最后以血凝抑制试验及特异性IgM抗体阳性而确诊。本文资料来自1988~1996年乙脑住院患儿,病历保存在本院病案室。每年住院人数由本院统[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 鼠伤寒沙门菌生物学分型方法在流行病学调查和监测中的应用 下一个医学论文: 1996年我国交通状况与车祸的典则相关分析