0 14岁儿童意外伤害危险因素病例对照研究 |
邱厚兴 蒋召伦 杨 琼 赵崇华
摘要 为探讨导致儿童意外伤害的危险因素,为预防和减少发病提供依据,对468例意外伤害儿童进行1∶1配对的病例对照研究,资料分析采用条件logistic分析方法。结果:单因素分析发现与多子女、父母文盲、低收入、室内放置农、鼠药、无人照看、房周危险环境等因素有关,多因素分析发现父母文盲、室内放置农药、家庭低收入、房周危险环境等为较稳定的影响因素。结论:儿童意外伤害是多因素相互作用的结果是可以预防的。 关键词 意外伤害 危险因素 A Case-Control Study on the Risk Factors of Accidental Injury among 0-14 Year-Old Children Qiu Houxing, Jiang Zhaolun, Yang Qiong,et al. Tengzhou Central People′s Hospital, Shandong 227500 Abstract To investigate the risk factors resulting in accidental injury in children and to provide basis for the prevention and reduction of such incidence, 468 cases of children with accidental injuries were studied through a one to one matched case-control study. Data was analysed with conditional logistic analysis. Results from single-factor analysis showed that such cases were associated with following factors: a) multiple children in the family with parents illiterate or low income; b) pesticide or raticide was stored inside the rooms; c) negligence of the dangerous environment risk around their houses. Results from multiple-factors analysis showed that children with illiterate parents, house that had pesticide stored in, low family income and whose houses were under vulnerable condition of collapse were most likely to suffer accidental injuries. Author concluded that the accidental injuries to children were caused by multiple factors which are preventable. Key words Injury Risk factor
一、研究对象:病例来自滕州市中心人民医院1995年7月1日至1996年6月30日住院治疗的0~14岁意外伤害儿童。包括外科、五官科和儿科的意外伤害患儿。共468人。选择同性别、同年龄(1岁以内同月龄、1岁以上同岁)、同一居住街区或同一村庄的不同家庭,与患儿家庭居住最近,且无意外伤害病史的健康儿童作为对照组。病例与对照按1∶1配对。 二、调查方法:病例和对照采用统一的危险因素调查表,由笔者(或由经过专门培训的调查员)通过直接询问的方式调查,由患儿和其父母回答。调查内容包括患儿胎次、父母职业和文化程度、家庭收入、子女数、入托儿所或入学、散居、家长对子女安全教育情况、交通常识、看护情况、玩火、骑车、锐利玩具、爬高、室内放置农[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 包头地区电力系统职工糖尿病流行病学调查 下一个医学论文: 南京地区组织胞浆菌感染的流行病学调查