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B群Nm 3407菌株外膜蛋白复合物 OMPC 的提取及免疫原性

were obtained. The OMPC in the peak 1 was of the largest yield and of the best solubility. The 42, 39, 30, 26, 19kD and minor 92,72kD proteins in the OMPC were determined by SDS-PAGE and Western-blotting. The reactive titers of the OMPC with the sera of rabbit anti-the strains 3407 and 542852,and with the sera of the mice anti- OMPC were 1∶32000, 1∶64000, and 1∶25600,respectively. In addition, the reactive titers of the strains 3407 and 542852 as well as some differant serotype and subserotype strains of Nm serogroup B with the sera of the mice anti-OMPC were 1∶25600, 1∶25600 and 1∶640 to 1∶3200, respectively , when ELISA was used for testing the above reactions. The bactericidal titers of anti-OMPC sera to the strains 3407 and 542852 were both 1∶256. The OMPC extracted with other two methods showed lower antigencity , solubility and immunogenicity. Conclusions   The above OMPC of Nm serogroup B possessed high immunogenicity, good solubility and broadly cross reactivity. It seems to be hopeful that the OMPC could be chosen as a vaccine candidate of Nm serogroup B, and could be also useful as a carrier of protein coupling with capsular polysaccharide.
  【 Subject words 】 Neisseria meningitidis (Nm) serogroup B Outer membrane protein complex Immunogenicity Antigen-antibody complex

  B群脑膜炎奈瑟氏菌(Neisseria meningititis, Nm)常在欧洲和美洲一些国家引起流脑流行〔1〕,近年来在我国由B群Nm引起的病例也相对增多〔2〕。应用菌苗预防其感染是最好的措施,但至今对B群 Nm感染的预防仍缺乏有效的菌苗。通过对B群Nm主要外膜抗原成分的分析发现,原来的或经化学修饰后的群特异性荚膜多糖(CPS)单独或者将其与蛋白质偶联后制备的菌苗的免疫效果均不理想〔3〕。虽B群Nm脂寡糖(LOS)具有免疫原性强、免疫型相对较集中等特点,但它是内毒素的成分,必须减毒。LOS减毒后形成的寡糖(OS)分子量较小,尽管将其与载体蛋白偶联后在动物实验中能提高其免疫原性,但若制成满意的菌苗还有很多困难〔4,5〕。B群Nm外膜蛋白(outer membrane protein, OMP)一直被认为是一类重要的菌苗候选成分,其主要外膜蛋白1,2/3,5类都能诱导机体产生有效的杀菌抗体。由于在不同地区、不同年代引起流行的B群 Nm菌株的主要外膜蛋白型和亚型会改变,所以应用此种OMP制作菌苗受到限制。近年来报道多数Nm还含有分子量为(30,64,70,和98)×103等外膜蛋白成分,流脑病人恢复期血清中可普遍检测到抗(64和70)×103的OMP的抗体〔6~8〕,而且这些抗体对多数Nm菌株具有杀菌活性。这表明利用外膜蛋白制备B群Nm菌苗仍有前景。本研究设想选择一种方法从B群Nm中提取一种OMPC,使其不仅对同型菌株具有较强反应,对不同型菌株也有较强的交叉反应,以获得一种具有广泛免疫原性的B群Nm菌苗候选成分,为

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