检测孕妇感染解脲脲原体的意义 |
万加华 马守中 戚其玮 刘肖曼 李强 李文英 王雪倩 徐俐 吕秀翠 翟新华
【摘要】 目的 前瞻性研究孕妇感染解脲脲原体(UU)后对胎儿的影响。方法 通过培养法对在青岛市计划生育科研所和第八人民医院就诊和住院的945名孕妇进行了宫颈粘液检查,并对其中355例UU阳性者的羊水进行了培养检查,前瞻性观察其对胎儿的危害。结果 早孕妇女UU感染阳性率为 27.83%,显著低于晚孕妇女的38.92%。宫腔感染UU后,胎儿自然流产率、死胎率、出生缺陷率和羊膜早破率都显著高于未感染组,但新生儿出生体重二组差异无显著性。结论 随着孕期的增加,孕妇感染UU的风险也增加。孕妇感染UU后对胎儿形成严重危害。 【主题词】 妊娠 尿素支原体,尿素分解 胎儿
The perspective study on fetalsoutcome in Ureaplasma urealyticum infected pregnant women Wan Jiahua*, Ma Shouzhong, Qi Qiwei, et al. *Qingdao Institute of Planned Parenthood Research, Qingdao 266071 【Abstract】 Objective To study the harmful consequences in pregnant women with Ureaplasma urealyticum(UU). Methods The cervical mucus and amniotic fluid from 945 pregnant women at hospitals were examined in order to find out if there is UU infection for perspective study of adverse outcome caused by UU in pregnant women. Results The infection positive rate of UU at mid-term pregnant women was 27.83%,and was lower significantly than that of term pregnant women (38.92%).Early abortion rate,fetals mortality,birth defects rate and premature rupture of membrance rate in positive group were higher than those of negative group.No difference was statistically significant at birth weight of newborns of two groups. Conclusions The time of pregnancy is longer ,the risk of infection UU is greater.Early abortion rate,fetal mortality,birth defects rate and premature rupture of membranes rate were higher significantly in UU infection positive group than negative group. 【Subject words】 Pregnancy Ureaplasma urealyticum Fetus Hazardous substances
临床资料和方法 1.对象:1995年7月~1997年4月在青岛市计划生育科研所和青岛市第八人民医院就诊和住院的945名孕妇,平均年龄27.05±4.77岁。945例孕妇中,中孕妇女97例,晚孕(妊娠20周以上)妇女848。 2.临床取材 (1)宫颈粘液:孕妇取仰卧位,双腿屈曲分开,用0.1%洗必泰消毒外[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 人巨细胞病毒单克隆抗体识别的抗原表位的筛选 下一个医学论文: RAPD分析在Hp菌株鉴定中的应用