皮质醇导致脓毒症大鼠TNF |
宋新明 王吉甫 赵继宗 詹煌南
摘 要 目的:探讨皮质醇对脓毒症大鼠TNF-α、IL-6释放的影响及其临床意义。方法:SD大鼠58只,分为5组,A、C组于盲肠结扎穿孔CLP后每12 h皮下注射氢化可的松(30 mg/kg),B、D组于CLP后同时点注等量生理盐水,E组为对照组。A、B组于48 h,C、D组于24 h处死,测定血及腹水中TNF-α、IL-6含量和血中皮质醇水平。结果:A组死亡3例,余各组无死亡。A组血浆皮质醇和TNF含量均显著高于B、C、D、E组(P<0.05)。A、B、C、D组腹腔液中TNF-α含量显著高于E组(P<0.05)。所有大鼠腹腔液中TNF-α、IL-6含量均显著高于血浆(P<0.05)。结论:脓毒症时, 应用皮质醇可使血浆TNF-α含量升高,且随作用时间延长TNF-α升高愈显著,并伴有动物死亡率增加。但对血浆及腹腔液中IL-6含量无显著影响。 主题词 炎症;氢化可的松;肿瘤坏死因子;白介素-6
Cortisol lead to increment of TNF-α release in septic rats
SONG Xin-Ming, WANG Ji-Fu, ZHAO Ji-Zong ZHAN Huang-Nan General Surgery Department, Guangzhou General Hospital of PLA, Guangzhou , ( 510010)
Abstract AIM: To investigate the effects of cortisol on the levels of TNF-α and IL-6 in sepsis in rats with cecal ligation performation (CLP) model and its clinic significance. METHODS: 58 SD rats were divided into 5 groups. Rats in Group A and C were performed with CLP model and injected with hydrocortisone at 12h intervals. Rats in group B and D were performed with CLP model and injected with normal saline at 12h intervals. Those in group E (the control group) were performed with laparotomy without CLP and were injected with NS at the same time points. Animals were killed at different points(group C & D at 24 h, and group A, B& E at 48 h) after CLP or sham laparotomy. Samples of blood and ascitic fluid were collected for measurements of TNF-α,IL-6 and cortisol. RESULTS: 1.The cortisol level in group A was significantly higher than that in group C (P<0.01).The cortisol level in plasma of group B,D and E was undetectable. 2.The average level of TNF-α in plasma in group A was significantly higher than that in group B,C,D and E(P<0.05). TNF-α in ascitic fluid was detectable in all groups and that in group A,B,C and D was significantly higher than that in group E (P<0.05).TNF-α and IL-6 levels in asci[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 藻酸双酯钠与细胞因子对巨核细胞生成的调控作用 下一个医学论文: 肺癌患者红细胞CR1基因密度型分布与红细胞免疫变化的研究