小麦耐盐突变体的分子生物学鉴定 |
秘彩莉, 沈银柱, 黄占景, 何聪芬, 柏 峰, 马闻师, 赵宝存, 葛荣朝
摘 要: 利用F1花药培养、EMS诱变和耐盐性反复筛选后已稳定9代的小麦耐盐突变体RH8706-49、H8706-34、H8706-44、H8706-48、H8706-57及其亲本濮农3665、百农3039为材料,用生化标记(醇溶蛋白)及分子标记(RAPD)分析了各材料间的差异,发现突变体与亲本相比,不仅发生了蛋白质水平的变异,而且也在DNA水平上证明了突变的发生,从而为耐盐突变体的真实性提供了有力的证据,排除了盐适应的可能性; 经用218 个引物对5个突变体之间的多态性进行RAPD分析,结果表明,它们之间的差异很小,其遗传背景相似,因而它们是一系列耐盐性不同的近似等位基因系。 关键词: 小麦;耐盐突变体;醇溶蛋白;RAPD 中图分类号: Q78,Q342 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 0253-9772(1999)06-0032-36
Molecular Biological Identification of Wheat Salt Tolerant Lines
BI Cai-li, SHEN Yin-zhu, HUANG Zhan-jing, HE Cong-fen, BAI Feng, MA Wen-shi, ZHAO Bao-cun, GE Rong-chao (Biology Department of Hebei Normal University,Shijiazhuang050016,China)
Abstract: In this paper, 5 wheat salt tolerant mutants(H8706-34、H8706-44、H8706-48、RH8706-49、H8706-57)derived from anther culture、EMS induction and salt tolerance selection and their parents (Punong3665、Bainong3039)were used as materials, all the mutants have inherited stably for 9 generations. Differences were revealed between the mutants and their parents using chemical marker(gliadin)and molecular marker(RAPD), the results showed that compared with the parents, the mutants varied not only on the protein level,but also on the DNA level,which supplied hard evidence of the truth of the mutants and ruled out the possibility of salt adaptation. RAPD analysis were conducted among the 5 mutants by 218 primers,which proved they were a series of near isogenic lines of different salt tolerance because of their little difference and similar genetic background. Key words: Wheat;Salt tolerant mutants;Gliadin;RAPD
我国有大面积的盐碱荒地〔1〕,随着人口增长和可利用耕地面积的日益减少,开发利用盐碱荒地、使之发挥出生产上的巨大潜力是摆在全国人民面前的一个重要课题。小麦是一种非常重要的粮食作物,因此研究小麦的耐盐机理及其遗传是进行小麦耐盐碱育种的前提和基础。长期以来,与小麦耐盐性有关的理论研究至今尚未有突破性的进展,其重要原因之一是缺乏遗背景相似而耐盐性有差异的实验材料。最近,沈银柱等〔2〕利用小麦花药培养、EMS诱变和耐盐性反复筛选得到了一系列耐盐性不同的突变体。这些突变体外部形态和耐盐性均与亲本明显不同,但仍缺乏分子生物学的直接证据。RAPD是揭示基因组DNA差异的有效方法,目前已用于遗传作图、遗传多样性分析及品系[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 云南纵坑切梢小蠹四个地理种群同工酶比较研究 下一个医学论文: 玉米细胞质雄性不育新类型Bao I Bao II 的发现