甲型肝炎减毒活疫苗再免疫的研究 |
刘翌1 徐志一1 欧阳佩英1 赵守军1 吴婉贞2
【摘要】 目的 对甲型肝炎减毒活疫苗加强免疫的可能性进行研究。方法 分别设置再免疫组、初免疫组和自然感染组。用Abbott EIA改良法定性和定量检测血清中的甲型肝炎抗体。 结果 再免疫后甲型肝炎抗体阳性率和几何平均滴度在2周内升高,与初免疫组抗体阳性率和几何平均滴度缓慢上升至3个月以后达到高峰形成对比。再免疫组和自然感染组对活疫苗免疫反应存在区别,这在研究疫苗免疫持久性时应予考虑。再免疫组初免成功抗体又转阴者,再免疫后抗体阳性率83.3%(10/12),显著高于初免疫失败者再免疫后的阳性率50%(17/34),两者又均高于初免疫者(29.6%)。结论 再免疫可引起免疫回忆反应,且初免疫成功率直接影响到再免疫的效果。Abbott EIA改良法检测血清中甲型肝炎抗体仍低估了原发性免疫反应,需用更为灵敏特异的方法检测疫苗抗体。 【关键词】 病毒性肝炎疫苗 肝炎,甲型 接种
Studies on Re-immunization with Live Attenuated Hepatitis A Vaccine Liu Yi, Xu Zhiyi, Ouyang Pei-ying, et al. Department of Epidemiology, Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai 200032 【Abstract】 Objective The possibility of re-immunization with a booster dose of live attenuated hepatitis A (HA) vaccine was studied. Methods Children randomly sampled were divided into three groups with re-immunization, primary immunization and immunity via natural infection. Antibodies against heaptitis A virus (anti-HAV) were detected qualitatively and quantitatively with modified Abbott enzyme immunoassay (EIA). Results Proportion of children with positive anti-HAV and its mean geometric titer (GMT) increased within two weeks after re-immunization, and as compared, those increased slowly and GMT reached the peak three months after primary immunization. Response to the live attenuated vaccine differed between the groups of re-immunization and immunity via natural infection, and should be taken into consideration in studying immune persistence of the vaccine. Proportion of children, who converted negative of their anti-HAV after primary immunization, with positive anti-HAV after re-immunization was 83.3% (10/12), significantly higher than that in those who failed in primary immunization and then were vaccinated again (50%, with 17/34), and that in both of them were higher than in primary immunization (29.6%). Conclusion Reminiscence could be induced by re-immunization, and the effects of it depended on primary [1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 氯化镉对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞功能的影响 下一个医学论文: 乙型肝炎基因重组疫苗接种小学生抗体反应比较