不同方式给铝对大鼠体内金属硫蛋白诱导作用的初步研究 |
张万起1 帖建科2 沈海铭3 徐格晟1 茹炳根2
【摘要】 目的 研究体内铝与金属硫蛋白的关系。方法 16只SD大鼠按实验和对照两种剂量水平,通过皮下注射和灌胃两种给铝方式进行为期两周的铝对金属硫蛋白(MT)诱导实验。结果 铝对大鼠肝MT具有一定的诱导作用,其中以皮下注射方式给铝较经口方式的作用显著。经口给铝对小肠也存在一定诱导作用。结论 铝对MT的诱导体现了机体对铝这一金属毒物的应激反应,但由于铝的化学性质,推测其与MT结合不稳定,因此这一反应实际解毒作用尚不确定。此外铝对小肠和肝等不同部位MT的诱导,可能会影响锌等金属元素的正常代谢。 【关键词】 铝 金属硫蛋白
A Preliminary Study on the Induction of Metallothioneine in Rats with Aluminum Administration by Different Ways Zhang Wanqi*, Tie Jianke, Shen Haiming, et al. *Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300070 【Abstract】 Objective To study the inductive effects of aluminum (Al) on metallothioneine (MT) in rats. Methods Inductive experiment of MT was conducted with Al administration in 16 SD rats, divided into trial and control groups, for two weeks by subcutaneous injection and gastric tube. Results Al could induce liver MT in the rats, to certain extent, especially more significantly by subcutaneous injection than by oral administration of Al. Oral administration of Al also could induce MT in the small intestine. Induction of MT by Al reflected the body response to stress, the metal poison Al. Conclusion It postulated that combination of Al with MT was unstable due to its chemical property, so, its detoxication effect was uncertain. In addition, induction of MT in different sites, such as liver and small intestine, by Al could influence the normal metabolism of metal elements, such as zinc, etc. 【Key words】 Aluminum Metallothioneine
1.实验动物:采用天津药物研究院提供的雄性SD大鼠,体重180~200 g。 2.诱导方法:将16只大鼠按体重分层随机分为4组,每组4只。1组为皮下给铝组,从8.68 mg/kg逐渐增至34.7 mg/kg(相当于硫酸铝LD50中所含铝的5%~20%);2组为消化道给铝组,每日灌胃给铝158 mg/kg;3组为皮下注射对照组,给同量的生理盐水;4组为灌胃对照组,给同量的自来水。共进[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 铅对大鼠脑神经细胞钙分布和侧棘数的影响 下一个医学论文: 氯化钇和氯化镨对人血淋巴细胞微核率的影响