接触二硫化碳人群肾上腺皮质功能监测研究 |
杨杏芬1 庄志雄1 谭炳炎2 吴珏珩2 魏青1 张越华1 汤丽芬2 何玉莺1
【摘要】 目的 通过观察长期接触二硫化碳(CS2)的化纤生产工人血液、唾液及尿液中皮质激素及代谢产物的变化,了解CS2对肾上腺皮质功能的影响,分析比较不同生物材料对肾上腺皮质功能的生物监测价值。方法 采用125Ⅰ放射免疫分析法测定血及唾液中的皮质醇,用高压液相色谱法检测尿中皮质醇、可的松,化学法测定代谢产物17-酮类固醇。所得参数采用SPSS软件比较两组人群的差异,与CS2浓度的相关关系及唾液、尿液无损伤性指标与血中激素的平行性。结果 接触超标浓度CS2的工人表现血、唾液和尿液皮质激素及代谢产物减少,且与CS2浓度密切相关。血液与尿液指标之间有良好相关性。结论 血皮质醇、尿游离皮质醇、可的松和代谢产物17-酮类固醇均不失为反映肾上腺皮质功能状况的良好生物效应指标,尿液皮质激素及代谢产物的检测因其无损伤性的特点更具实用价值。 【关键词】 二硫化碳 肾上腺皮质激素类 环境监测
Studies on Biological Monitoring of Adrenocortical Function in Workers Exposed to Carbon Disulfide Yang Xingfen*, Zhuang Zhixiong, Tan Bingyan, et al. * School of Public Health, Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou 510089 【Abstract】 Objective To study the effects of carbon disulfide on adrenocortical function and analyze and compare the various biological materials used in biological monitoring by observing the changes of adrenocortical hormones and their metabolites in blood, saliva and urine of a viscose rayon mill exposed to carbon disulfide for long-term. Methods Cortisol in blood and saliva was determined by 125Ⅰ-radioimmunoassay (RIA), cortisol and cortisone in urine by high performance liquid chromatogaphy (HPLC), and their metabolite 17-ketosteroid by chemical method. Data collected were analyzed by SPSS software in microcomputer to compare their difference between two groups, relationship between them and concentrations of carbon disulfide, and consistence between non-traumatic indices in saliva and urine and blood hormone. Results Levels of adrenocortical hormones and their metabolites in blood, urine and saliva decreased in the workers exposed to concentrations of carbon disulfide exceeding the national allowable standard, and correlated closely with them. There was a good correlationship between indices in blood and in urine. Conclusion Blood cortisol, urine free cortisol, cortisone and its metabolite 17-ketosteroid all are good indices for biolo[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 吸烟与肺组织DNA加合物形成关系的研究 下一个医学论文: 铅对大鼠脑神经细胞钙分布和侧棘数的影响