较低剂量石英粉尘所致大鼠肺脏的早期变化 |
梅瑜 吴卫东 刘世杰
【摘要】 目的 研究较低剂量的石英对肺组织损伤的特点。方法 对大鼠采用较低剂量的石英和石棉粉尘(每只10 mg)染尘后,测定两种粉尘在两个月内所致大鼠支气管肺泡灌洗液中细胞总数、蛋白含量、总脂含量和乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)活性等毒性指标以及全肺胶原含量的变化,并观察肺组织的病理改变。结果 石英可引起灌洗液中细胞总数、蛋白质含量、总脂含量和LDH活性持续升高,全肺胶原含量持续增加;而石棉只引起细胞总数和LDH在染尘后10天的一过性升高,全肺胶原含量虽也逐渐增加,但不如石英明显。结论 较低剂量的石英具有很强的肺毒性和致纤维化能力。 【关键词】 石英 粉尘 支气管肺泡灌洗液
Early Changes in Rat Lungs Caused by Lower-dose Quartz Dust Mei Yu*, Wu Weidong, Liu Shijie. *Department of Preventive Medicine, Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100054 【Abstract】 Objective To study the features of damages in the lungs caused by lower dose quartz. Methods Cell count, contents of protein and total lipid and activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in bronchoalveolar lavage, changes in content of collagen in the whole lungs of the rats were determined after their exposure to lower dose quartz and asbestosdust (10 mg per rat), and pathological changes in the lungs were also observed. Results Cell count, contents of protein and total lipid and activity of lactate dehydrogenase in brochoalveolar lavage, and content of total collagen in the whole lungs increased persistently in the rats exposed to quartz; and, only cell count and activity of lactate dehydrogenase increased transiently in rats 10 days after exposure to asbestos, and content of collagen also increased gradually, but not so obviously as caused by quartz. Conclusion Lowere dose quartz has very strong toxicity to the lungs leading to pulmonary fibrosis. 【Key words】 Quartz Dust Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
有关矽肺致病机理的研究,国内多用每只大鼠40~50 mg石英的较高剂量染尘。高剂量石英染尘引起的急性反应严重,可能掩盖肺组织的某些变化,干扰观察轻微变化,且不符合实际的接尘情况。随着防尘措施的普遍实施,接触高浓度粉尘的情况已不多见,因而有必要研究较低剂量石英粉尘所致的动物模型,以适应今后的实验研究。石棉同样是一种可导致石棉肺及恶性肿瘤的纤维状粉尘。故采用相同剂量的石棉,在相同条件下,比较此两种粉尘作用的差异,了解其染尘后两个月内各自较早期的变化。
一、实验材料及制备 实验动物:健康雄性Wistar大鼠,初始体重约200 g,由北京医科大学实验动物中心提供。随机分为石棉组、石英组和生理盐水对照组。石英粉尘:标准石英粉尘(<5 μm尘粒>95 %,SiO2含量>97%),由中国预防[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 大鼠运动皮层甘氨酸免疫反应性神经元的分布及其超微结构特征 下一个医学论文: 工频磁场抑制细胞缝隙连接通讯功能的剂量