我国性病监测点15岁以下儿童性病流行病学分析 |
龚向东 张君炎 王全佩 梁国钧
摘要 为了解我国性病监测点15岁以下儿童性病流行趋势及流行特点,为制定控制对策提供科学依据,对1987~1996年我国性病监测点儿童性病发病情况进行连续监测,对监测结果进行流行病学分析。结果发现15岁以下儿童性病流行特点为:⑴儿童性病发病呈逐年上升趋势,发病率由1987年的0.51/10万上升至1996年的8.62/10万;⑵以淋病为主,平均构成为85.58%,但所占比例逐年下降,非淋菌性尿道(宫颈)炎和梅毒在逐年增高;⑶女性发病率均高于男性,男女病例数之比为1∶2.35;⑷0~岁组儿童性病发病率远高于其他年龄组,1996年达44.68/10万;⑸城市和少数民族地区高于农村。上述表明,我国性病监测点儿童性病流行形势日益严峻,应引起我们足够的重视。 关键词 儿童 性传播疾病 流行病学
Epidemiological Features of Sexually Transmitted Diseases among Children Below Age 15 at the National STD Surveillance Sites Gong Xiangdong,Zhang Junyan,Wang Quanpei,et al.National Center for STD and Leprosy Control,Nanjing 210042 Abstract In order to understand the trends and epidemiological characteristics of sexually transmitted diseases among children below the age of 15 at national STD surveillance sites which will lead to the development of strategies on prevention and control,STD surveillance at selected national sites had been consecutively monitored during in the period of 1987-1996 with data collected and analyzed. The epidemiological characteristics of STD among children below age 15 were found as follows: ⑴Incidence rates of STD in children appeared to be ascending yearly, from 0.51/100 000 in 1987 to 8.62/100 000 in 1996. ⑵Gonorrhea was the most frequently seen sexually transmitted disease among children, constituting 85.58% of the kinds of STDs on average. However, the proportion of gonorrhea cases in children is declining with the increase of NGU and syphilis. ⑶Incidence rates among girls were consistently higher than the rates for boys,with a sex ratio of 2.35∶1. ⑷Incidence rate in group-0 was 44.68 per 100 000 population in 1996, much higher than the rates in other groups of children. ⑸Incidence rates among children in both urban and minority areas were higher than the rates in rural area. The STD situation in children at the national STD surveillance sites has become crucial which calls for more attention. Key words Children S[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 中国莱姆病螺旋体主要生物媒介的调查研究 下一个医学论文: 肾上腺素对培养的大鼠表皮细胞增殖的影响