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中国城乡112个疾病监测点乙型肝炎疫苗接种率 免疫策略及费用调查

曾宪嘉1 杨功焕2 廖苏苏1 陈爱平2 谭 健2 黄正京2 李 辉1 张孔来1

  摘要 为了解我国乙型肝炎(乙肝)疫苗接种率、免疫策略以及接种费用的现况,采用二阶段固定样本随机抽样入户调查方法,于1996年对全国25个省、市、自治区112个疾病监测点进行调查。结果表明,1993年至1994年城市监测点新生儿接种率为96.9%,显著高于农村监测点的50.8%;1994年城市点7~9岁学龄儿童接种率为85.8%,显著高于农村点的31.5%。至1994年,97.5%和73.9%的城乡区县卫生防疫站已将新生儿乙肝疫苗接种纳入计划免疫管理;92.5%和43.5%的城乡点产前对全部或部分孕妇筛查HBeAg和HBsAg。母亲双阳性新生儿免疫方案多种多样,约半数加用高价免疫球蛋白实施联合免疫,双阴性及不做筛查的地区主要以10μg×3方案进行免疫。部分农村点新生儿接种率较低,主要原因可能与疫苗分配不当有关,接种费用过高及疫苗订购量不足也有一定关系。孕妇乙肝感染标记筛查质量有必要进行评价。上述表明,我国乙肝疫苗免疫已取得显著的阶段性成果。
  关键词 乙型肝炎疫苗 接种率 免疫策略

A Study on the Coverage, Strategy and Cost of Hepatitis B Vaccination in China, 1996 Zeng Xianjia*, Yang Gonghuan, Liao Susu, et al. *School of Basic Medical Sciences, CAMS & PUMC, Beijing 100005
  Abstract To understand the coverage,strategy and cost of hepatitis B (HB) vaccination of China in recent years, a randomized two-stage household sampling survey was carried out at 112 Disease Surveillance Points(DSPs) from 25 provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities of China in 1996. Results showed that the rates of HB vaccination coverage among neonates were 96.9% in the urban DSPs and 50.8% in the rural DSPs in 1993-1994,while in 7-9 year-old students both rates were 85.8% and 31.5% in 1994, respectively. Up to 1994,97.5% of the urban DSPs and 73.9% of the rural DSPs had a neonates vaccination against HB program integrated with routine EPI. Some of the DSPs had a lower neonates coverage due to insufficient amountad unreasonable distribution of the vaccine (used for adults) and high cost.It seems necessary to evaluate the maternal prescreening program regarding the quality of serological testing to HBVMs.
  Remarkable achievements have been made in terms of strategy development and planning on HB immunization in China.
  Key words Hepatitis B vaccine Coverage rate Immunization strategy

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