江苏省1994 1995年0 14岁儿童意外死亡前瞻性调查 |
张佩斌 陈荣华 邓静云 徐柏荣 郭锡熔 单晓光 李晓南 巴凌昊
摘要 为了预防意外伤害的发生和制定相应的干预措施,采取分层整群随机抽样的方法,在1994~1995年对江苏省4个市、9个县的219万人口进行0~14岁儿童意外死亡前瞻性调查。结果表明:江苏省0~14岁儿童年均意外死亡率为53.0/10万,意外死亡占总死亡37.6%,为0~14岁儿童的首位死因,其中婴儿意外死亡占总死亡15.3%,为第4位死因,1~4岁和5~14岁儿童意外死亡占总死亡70%,为首位死因。全省及农村0~14岁儿童意外死亡顺位是溺水、意外窒息和车祸,在婴儿意外死亡中有85%是意外窒息,在1~4岁和5~14岁儿童,溺水是第1位意外死因,分别占意外死亡的70%和50%,在城市,儿童意外死亡的首位原因是车祸。 关键词 儿童 意外死亡 意外窒息 溺水 车祸
A Prospective Study on Accidental Deaths Among 0-14-Year-old Children in Jiangsu, 1994-1995 Zhang Peibin,Chen Ronghua,Deng Jingyun,et al.The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University.Children Health Care Research Center in Jiangsu Province,Nanjing 210011 Abstract By stratified cluster random sampling, a prospective study on the accidental deaths of 0-14 years old children during 1994-1995 wsa carried out in a population size of 2.29 millions in four citys and nine counties in Jiangsu province. Results showed that the average mortality of accidents was 53.0 per 105 among children aged 0 to 14 and accidental death was the leading cause of deaths taking up 37.6% among the deaths of the 0-14 years old. Accidental deaths ranked fourth,took up 15.3% in infancy deaths making up about 70% in their deaths, and ranked first in the age groups 1-4 and 5-14. The three leading causes of accidental deaths in the urban and rural area were drowning, accidental suffocation and motor vehicle injuries. Accidental suffocation was the number one cause of accidental death in infants, making up 85% of the total accidental deaths. Drowning was the leading cause of accidental deaths in 1-4 and 5-14-year-old children, making up 70% and 50% of accidental deaths respectively. Motor vehicle injuries took the lead among accidental deaths in the cities. Key words Children Accidental death Accidental suffocation Drowning Motor vehicle injury 儿童意外死亡在儿童死因顺位中,随着传染性疾病和感染性疾病得到了有效的控制,而逐渐成为威胁儿童生命质量的重要危险因素。在许多发达国家,意外死亡已成为儿童和青少年的首位死因。据江苏省1994年0[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 酒仙桥地区中老年人高血压患病调查 下一个医学论文: 微量元素与肺癌的关系及临床应用