流式细胞术对不同肿瘤细胞表面所表达血小板免疫相关抗原的检测 |
t intensity of CD9 on the tumor cell lines PGCL3 and PG-3M with high metastatic potential is lower than that on PAa and PG-3 with low metastatic potential. The positive cell number and fluorescent intensity of CD42a, TSP, CD36 molecule expressed on PAa and PG-3 cells with low metastatic potential is less than that on PGCL3 and PG-3M. Conclusion:The expression of the antigens immunologically related to the platelet glycoproteins on tumor cells surface relate to the tumor invasion and metastasis. The over expression of CD42a, CD36 and TSP on tumor cell surface may promote tumor invasion and metastasis. CD9 and CD63, especially CD9 inhibit the invasion and metastasis. MGC803 express not only CD42a and TSP, but also CD36, it may have the most powerful invasive behavior among 11 tumor cell lines. Key words Flow cytometry Antigen immunologically related to the platelet glycoprotein Invasion and metastasis, neoplasoma Tumor cell line, culture
1 材料与方法 1.1 材料 IgG1 FITC (679.1Mc7)、IgG1 PE (679.1Mc7)、IgG2a FITC(U7.27)、CD9 FITC (ALB6, IgG1)、CD31 FITC(5.6E,IgG1)、CD36 FITC (FA6.152, IgG1)、TSP PE (P10,IgG1)、CD61 FITC (RUU-PL 7F12,IgG1)、CD41 PE (P2, IgG1)、CD42a FITC(SZ1,IgG2a)、CD42b PE (SZ2,IgG1)、CD63 FITC (CLBGran/12,IgG1)、CD62 PE (CLB Thromb/6, IgG1)。除CD61 FITC来自美国BD公司,其余抗体均来自法国Immunotech公司;RPMI1640来自GIBCO;牛血清白蛋白来自Sigma。人肺巨细胞癌PGCL3 (高转移细胞系)、人肺腺癌PAa (低转移细胞系)、人前列腺癌PG-3M (高转移细胞系)和PG-3 (低转移细胞系)来自北京医科大学基础医学院病理学系;人食管癌ESCL、人肝癌Bel、人结肠癌HCT、人鼻咽癌KB、人卵巢癌A2780来自中国医学科学院药物研究所肿瘤药理研究室;人宫颈癌CC801、人胃癌MGC803来自中国医学科学院基础医学研究所病理研究室。FACSort流式细胞仪为美国BD公司产品。 1.2 方法 各种肿瘤细胞用0.02% EDTANa2消化,以D-Hank′s液 (pH7.4) 吹打收集细胞,以0.5% 的PBA (PBS牛血清白蛋白) 洗2遍,重悬于0.5%PBA溶液中。以CD41 PE、CD61 FITC、CD42a FITC、CD42b PE、CD36 FITC、TSP PE、CD9 FITC、CD31 FITC、CD62 PE、CD63 FITC按常规方法标记染色,对照管采用IgG1 FITC、IgG2a FITC或IgG上一页 [1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 牛磺酸对家兔油酸肺损伤的防治作用 下一个医学论文: Th1 Th2相关细胞因子基因检测方法的建立