腮腺炎性睾丸炎患者的激素改变 |
摘 要 目的:检测不同年龄感染腮腺炎性睾丸炎患者 的激 素水平改变。方法: 应用放射免疫法测定3组患者的FSH、LH、催 乳素、雌二醇和睾酮水平。结果: 3组患者均存在不同程度的激 素 紊乱,尤其以青春期发生感染的组Ⅱ有显著激素水平改变。与对照组比较,组Ⅱ的FSH、L H、催乳素和雌二醇分别升高2.87、1.97、1.81和1.98倍,睾酮减少6.41倍。结论: 感染腮腺炎性睾丸炎患者的生殖激素有明显改变,且与感染时患者 的年龄有关。 主题词 激素类;血浆;睾丸炎; 流行性腮腺炎
Testis has dual functions and its alterations explain the disturbance in both endocrine and exocrine activities. Combination of these altered functions m ay cause severe damage to male infertility. Changes in the main hormonal regulat o ry mechanism of sexual function, subordinated to partotitis epidemica, acting th roughout the endocrine axis of hypothalamus, pituitary and gonadal glands are ma jor ethiopathogenetic causes for occurrence of male infertility. Unfortunately the available data are insufficient and inconclusive. The majo rity of authors are trying to explaining infertility as a result of mumps orchit is causing not only morphological but also hormonal changes. Previous reports de monstrated that patients with mumps orchitis decreased secretion of main androge n, testosterone (T) and increased levels of gonadotropins, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)and luteinizing hormone (LH). On the other hand, considerable alter ation of fertility in patients with mumps orchitis closely related to the age a t which they suffered the disease[1~3]. The above mentioned facts made us conducting a study in which we investiga ted changes in levels of the major hormones regulating process of reproduction i n patients with mumps orchitis. We also tried to find out if there were correlat ion between these changes and the age at which patients had the infection.
Patients: The clinical investigation involved a total of 22 patients who had been affected with mumps orchitis, at age from 16 to 45 years (mean age 28.6±1.6 years). Depending on the age when the patients were infected with mump s orchitis as a complication of 上一页 [1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 中国湖北汉族重症肌无力与HLA 下一个医学论文: 牛磺酸对家兔油酸肺损伤的防治作用