腮腺炎性睾丸炎患者的激素改变 |
Hormonal changes in patients with mumps orchitis
1P. Tzvetkova, 2D. Tzvetkov, 2M. Georgiev, 3Zhu Wei- Jie, 4L. Imchinetskaja
1 Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia, Bulgaria 2 Andrological Clinic, Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria 3 Center for Reproductive Immunology Research, Jinan University, Guangzhou (5 10632), China 4 Department of Sexopathology, Institute of Urology and Nephrology, Kiev, Ukr aine
Abstract AIM:To investigate changes in levels of the m ajor hormones regulating the process of reproduction in patients with mumps orch itis. METHODS: Twenty-two patients were divided into three groups according to the age when the patients were infected with mumps orchitis as a co mplication of parotitis epidemica infection. Plasma LH, FSH, prolactin, estradio l and testosterone were examined by using radioimmunoassay. RESULTS: There were marked changes in synthesis and secretion of studied hormones in these three groups, especially in patients who were infecte d during puberty (group Ⅱ). Comparing with the control group, plasma LH, FSH, p ro lactin and estradiol level in group Ⅱ were significantly increased with 1.97, 2 .87, 1.81 and 1.98 fold, respectively. Testosterone was significantly decreased with 6.41 fold. CONCLUSION: There were disturbances of reproduct ive endocrine control in patients with mumps orchitis. Hormonal changes in the pati ents related to the age at which patients were infected. MeSH Hormones; Plasma; Orchitis; Mumps
1 Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction, Bulgrian Aca demy of Science, Sofia, Bulgaria; 2 Andrological Clinic, Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria; 3 暨南大学生殖免疫研究中心(中国广州 510632); 4Department of Sexopathology, Institute of Urology and Nephrology, Kiev, Ukraine 1P. Tzvetkova, 2D. Tzvetkov, 2M. Georgiev, 3朱 伟杰, 4L. Imchinetskaja
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