缺氧预处理对自发性高血压大鼠心肌细胞内钙的影响 |
刘培庆 饶曼人 王金
摘要 目的:探讨缺氧预处理对后继缺氧再给氧所致心 肌细胞内钙超载的影响及蛋白激酶C(PKC)和百日咳毒素(PTX)敏感的G-蛋白在缺氧预处理的 作用。方法:循环灌流法分离自发性高血压大鼠(SHR)肥大心肌细胞,用Fu ra-2AM测定钙浓度。结果:[Ca2+]。为1.0 mmol/L时,预处理组缺氧再给氧后其心 肌细胞内游离钙浓度[Ca2+]i为(194.0±24.8) nmol/L,未预处理组为(297.5 ±24.5) nmol/L;无外钙预处理组缺氧再给氧后其心肌细胞[Ca2+]i为(162.0 ±30.7) nmol/L,未预处理组为(236.5±28.3) nmol/L,提示缺氧预处理可减少缺氧再 给氧所致心肌细胞内钙释放及外钙内流。在[Ca2+]。为1.0 mmol/L组,于预处 理前分 别预先给予PKC拮抗剂Staurosporine(10 nmol/L)及Gi-蛋白失活剂百日咳毒素(PTX,200 ng /L),可见经后继缺氧再给氧后其心肌细胞[Ca2+]i分别为(264.8±19.3)及(25 8.0±27.7) nmol/L,高于缺氧预处理组但低于未预处理组。结论:SH R肥 大心肌细胞,缺氧预处理可减轻后继缺氧再给氧所致心肌细胞内钙超载;PKC及PTX敏感的G- 蛋白可能部分参与缺氧预处理的保护作用。 主题词 低氧;高血压;大鼠;钙;蛋白激酶C;蛋白质类
The influence of hypoxic preconditioning on cytosolic free calci um concentration in cardiomyocyte isolated from spontaneously hypertensive rats
LIU Pei-Qing, RAO Man-Ren, WANG Jin-Xi Department of Cardiovascular Pharmacology , Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing (210029)
Abstract AIM:To investigate the influence of hypoxic precondi tioning on cytosolic free calcium concentration [Ca2+]i in myocyte s is olated from spontaneously hypertensive rats(SHR) and to study the actions of Gi- p rotein and protein kinase C in this process. METHODS:Myocytes were isolated by circulating-perfusion with col la genase and cytosolic free calcium concentrations were measured using Fura-2 flu orescence technique with AR-CM-MIC cation measurement system.RESULTS:Hypoxic preconditioning could attenate the increase in [Ca2+]i cau sed by hypoxia and reoxygenation both at 1.0 mmol/L [Ca2+]。 and calc ium-free Hanks solution. Pretreated with pertussis toxin or staurosporine coul d decrease t he elevation of [Ca2+]i. CONCLUSION:Hypoxic precond ition ing has preventing effect on calcium overload in hypertrophied myocyte and both Gi-protein and protein kinase C was involved in this process. MeSH Anoxia; Hypertensions; Rats; Calcium; Protein kinase C; P[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 黄芪对感染病毒大鼠心肌细胞钙通道及钠钙交换载体的效应 下一个医学论文: 血管内皮生长因子及其基因在自发性高血压大鼠心肌中的表达