低氧致肺动脉平滑肌细胞增殖及其作用机制初探 |
黄群华 孙仁宇
摘 要 目的和方法:实验采用PDGF生物活性检测法 ,流式细胞术,[3H]-TdR掺入以及细胞免疫组化等方法探讨了低氧状态下,血小板源 生 长因子(PDGF)及其受体与肺动脉平滑肌细胞(PASMC)增殖间的相互关系。结果:低氧可以增强PDGF的活性,上调PDGF受体促进PASMC增殖,以PDGF作为刺激剂可进一步 促进低氧的促增殖作用。结论:低氧状态下,PASMC的PDGF及其受体进一步 活化,从而增强了PDGF自分泌、旁分泌作用,由此推测生长因子PDGF是介导低氧致PASMC过 度增殖的重要发病学环节。 主题词 低氧;肺动脉;肌,平滑;细胞;血小板源生长因子
Proliferative effect of hypoxia on pulmonary artery smooth musc le cells and a preliminary study of its mechanism
HUANG Qun-Hua, SUN Ren-Yu Institute of Basic Medical Sciences,CAMS & PUMC,Beijing(100005)
Abstract AIM and METHODS:By detecting platelet-derived growt h factor(PDGF) activity,immunohisto chemistry staining,flow cytometry and [3 H]-TdR incorporation techniqu es,we ve investigated the relationship between PDGF/its re ceptors and hypoxic pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells(PASMCs) proliferation.[ WTHZ]RESULTS:Hypoxia may increase the PDGF activity and upregulate PDGF re ceptor-α and β.Both hypoxia and PDGF could elevate the number of cells enterin g S phase from G0/G1.CONCLUSIONS:PDGF and its receptors acti v ation allows PASMCs to proliferate to hypoxia.PDGF from hypoxic PASMCs could pro mote growth in an autocrine and paracrine manner that results in PASMCs prolifer ative feedback loop and cellular adaptation which may play role in PASMCs over p roliferation. MeSH Anoxia;Pulmonary artery;Muscle,smooth;Cells;Platelet-der ived growth factor
细胞识别及细胞效应存在很强的组织特异性。基于整体动物实验的结 果 显示出低氧大鼠肺组织中血小板源生长因子(platelet-derived growth factor,PDGF)及其 受体表达增强主要定位于肺血管中内膜层[1],为进一步探讨低氧、PDGF及细胞增 殖间的相互关系,以探讨低氧状态下介导肺动脉平滑肌细胞(pulmonary artery sm ooth mus cle cells,PASMCs)增殖的机制,我们观察了PASMC群体的细胞分泌功能及增殖效应。
一、新生牛PASMC的原代和传代培养及低氧细胞模型的复制: 无菌操作取出新生牛(北郊农场)肺1~2级动脉,剪开并刮去血管内皮,将中膜肌 层切成小块,贴块法接种于培养瓶中,待贴壁后加入含10%小牛血清的DMEM培养基(Gibco), 置于细胞培养箱内培养10 d左右待80%融合度时,以0.25%胰酶(Gibco)消化传代培养,实 验用2~6代细胞。 将有进出气孔的自制低氧小室置于37℃恒温箱内,低氧时给小室内通入95%N2 -5%CO2混合气,置换出小室内空气,并控制混[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: SOD对脑缺血 下一个医学论文: 中药海乐得对部分肾切除大鼠残余肾脏表达PAI