海洛因依赖患者自然戒断状态下症状频谱的动态变化 |
刘铁桥 王小平 郝伟 赵敏 曾伟雄
【摘要】目的:了解自然戒断状态下不同时期戒断症状发生率的动态变化以及导致患者复吸的主要原因。方法:对158例强制戒毒病人,于戒断后24小时,72小时,7天,10天,1月,3月进行戒断症状评定。结果:急性期戒断症状以焦虑、渴求、失眠、疲乏、食欲减退、疼痛、出汗、流泪、流涕、呵欠等症状的发生频率为高,而急性脱瘾后恢复期则以渴求、失眠、疲乏、焦虑,性欲望减退、情绪抑郁等为主要表现。导致病人复吸的主要原因依次为心理渴求,回到吸毒朋友的社交圈,睡眠障碍、周身不适、焦虑不安、空虚无聊、情绪不佳等稽延性症状,及来自家庭社会的应激。结论:海洛因依赖患者在不同的戒断时期症状表现有所不同,导致复吸的原因亦多种多样,提示在不同戒断时期,治疗和预防复吸的方法应有所不同,应加强可以人为干预因素的控制,减少复吸率。 【关键词】海洛因依赖 戒断症状 频谱
Frequency of Withdrawal Symptoms of Natural Detoxification in Heroin Addicts
Liu Tieqiao Wang Xiaoping Hao Wei et al. (Institute of Mental Health, Hunan Medical University, Changsha, CHINA 410011)
【Abstract】Objestive: To understand the withdrawal symptoms in different stages of detoxification in nature state and to determine the main reason leading to relapse. Method: Withdrawal symptoms of 158 unvolunteer heroin addicts were assessed with Withdrawal Symptoms Assessing Scale at 24 hours, 72 hours, 7 days, 10 days, 1 month and 3 months after detoxification. Results: The withdrawal symptoms most frequently presented in acute detoxification stage were anxiety, craving, insomnia, tiredness, poor appetite, ache, sweating, rhinorrhea, lacrimation and yawning, and those most common in the early recovery stage after acute abstinence were craving, insomnia, tiredness, anxiety, sexual dysfunction and depression. The major factors related to relapse were craving, returning to the drug environment, sleeping disorder, general discomfort, anxiety, idleness, depression and stress from family and society. Conclusion: Heroin addicted patients present different withdrawal symptoms in different abstinence stages, and many reasons account for relapse. The results suggest that different interventions should be employed in different abstinence stages. 【Key words】heroin dependence withdrawal symptoms frequency
戒毒治疗现已成为精神卫生工作者的重要任务。不少基础和临床研究已为探索合理的戒毒策略提供了方法学上的指导。而研究自然戒断状态下,不同时期戒断症状发生率的报道不多,本文旨在探讨自然戒断状态下,不同时期戒断症状的发生[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 老年期酒依赖的临床特点 附52例分析 下一个医学论文: 中枢NO cGMP系统对大鼠吗啡戒断症状的影响