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姜海英 陆佩洪 李悦民

摘 要:首次对鹟科(Muscicapidae)画眉亚科三种鸟棗画眉(Garrulax canorus)、红嘴相思鸟(Leiothrix lutea)、棕头雅雀(Paradoxornis webbiana);鸫亚科的乌鸫(Turdinae merula)线粒体DNA的12S rRNA基因片段的DNA序列进行了测定,并与北美画眉亚科弯嘴鹛属(Pomatostomus)的灰冠弯嘴鹛(P.temporalis)同源序列进行分析比较并构建分子进化树。实验结果与传统形态学论述存在一定的差异,与同工酶研究结果相同:画眉与红嘴相思鸟的亲缘关系最近,棕头鸦雀较乌鸫与画眉亚科的关系更近,为将其置于画眉亚科提供了分子证据。
中图分类号:Q38    文献标识码:A

Study of the Relationship Among Five Species of Muscicapidae
by mtDNA Sequence

JIANG Hai-ying LU Pei-hong LI Yue-min
(Biology Department,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097 ,China)

Abstract: The classfication on Muscicapinae disturbed us for a long time.The important thing is to find an appropriate character to resolve it.It is the first time that we testified the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene fragment sequence of four birds (G.canorus,L.lutea,P.webbianus and T.merulaowing to Muscicapinae) and aligned with the same sequence of P.temporalis.Using the mitochondrial 12S rRNA sequences date,we built phylogenetic trees.The results indicated that that the relationship between Garrulax canorus and Leiothrix lutea in the four birds was closer which is congruent with morphology.According to the results of isoenzyme and DNA sequencing data,we can draw a conclusion that Paradoxornis webbianus has closer relationship to Timaliinae than that of Turdus merula,and that putting Paradoxonithinae to Timaliinae was reasonable.
Key word:Muscicapinae;mtDNA;Sequence analysis;Relationship;Phylogeny

  长期以来,鹟科鸟类的分类问题一直困扰着鸟类分类学家。鹟科是雀形目拥有种数最多的一个科。该科曾被分为若干个亚科,可是彼此间存在不少居间类型,很难确切划分。Hartert(1910)将此科化分为4个亚科,即鸫亚科(Turdinae)、画眉亚科(Timaliine)、莺亚科(Sylviinae)、鹟亚科(Muscicapinae);而高玮等根据Peters(1935)《世界鸟类名录》系统对我国27目164科鸟类作系统检索,将鹟亚科、鸫亚科、莺亚科、画眉亚科独立为科〔4〕;Charles C.Sibley利用DNA-DNA杂交技术对鸟类系统发育和亲缘关系的研究所建立的新的分类系统对鹟科提出了迥然不同的分法:在燕雀小目下设总科、莺总科、雀总科。亚科和鸫亚科属于总鹟科下的科;莺总科下11科,莺科下设4个亚科(柳莺亚科、大尾莺亚科、噪鹛亚科、莺亚科);莺亚科下设画眉族、雀鹛族、莺族〔10〕

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