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  【摘要】 目的 掌握澳门地区高血压现状和人群血压水平。方法 于1996年10~12月间,按照《全国1991年高血压抽样调查工作手册》的要求,对澳门地区≥15岁的常住居民5 177名,采用标准化调查方法,在严格质控下进行调查和血压测定。结果 高血压患病粗率为29.46%,标化患病率为20.45%。按国内患病率标准划分属高血压高发区。收缩压及舒张压均值:男性17.18 kPa(128.82 mmHg)、10.86 kPa(81.47 mmHg),女性16.32 kPa(122.38 mmHg)、10.15 kPa(76.15 mmHg),高于国内广东省和北京市。高血压患病率男性高于女性。患病率增幅35岁以后较快,与国内相似。同年龄组的新移民较原居民患病率低。结论 本地区高血压流行状况相当严峻,是不容忽视的社会公共卫生问题。必须加强健康教育和健康促进活动,切实做好高血压的一、二级预防。
  【关键词】 高血压  血压  流行病学

A Survey on Prevalence of Hypertension in Macao Area  Leong Hok Chong, Pun Weng Hong, Lei Sau Man, et al. Kiang Wu Hospital, Macao
  【Abstract】 Objective To study the prevalence of hypertension and population blood pressure levels in Macao area. Methods According to requirements set in “Manual for National Sampling Survey on Hypertension in 1991”, 5 171 permanent residents aged more than 15 years in Macao area were investigated and their blood pressure measured with standardized methods and under strict quality control. Results The survey showed that crude prevalence rate of hypertension was 29.46 percent in Macao, 20.45 percent after standardization, and it should be categorized into a hypertension prevalent area based on the domestic criteria for hypertension categorization. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure averaged 17.18 kPa (128.82 mmHg) and 10.86 kPa (81.47 mmHg), respectively, for males and 16.32 kPa (122.38 mmHg) and 10.15 kPa (76.15 mmHg), respectively, for females, higher than those in Guangdong Province and Beijing. Prevalence in males was higher than that in females and it increased more quickly in those more than 35 years old, similar to that in the other areas at home. Prevalence in new immigrants was lower than that in the original residents. Conclusion Hypertension was severely prevalent in Macao area and an important issue in public health not to be ignorant. Health education and health promotion should be strengthened to reach the primary and secondary prevention for it.

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