煤矿工人慢性支气管炎的病理分析 |
王洪源 李军 赵燕平 张岩松
【摘要】 目的 了解煤矿工人慢性支气管炎的病变特点。方法 对180例煤矿工人的尸检材料进行病理分析。结果 在180例煤矿工人中,患慢性支气管炎的155例,检出率为86.1%,与是否患煤工尘肺无关。其好发部位主要在小支气管和细支气管。煤矿工人慢性支气管炎最显著的特点是在各级支气管管壁有粉尘沉积和尘细胞浸润,支气管壁周围可有尘性纤维化,特别是在呼吸性细支气管处尘性病变最重。结论 煤矿工人慢性支气管炎主要表现为尘性和尘性与炎性混合性(占80.0%),单纯的炎性支气管炎数量较少。 【关键词】 尘肺 支气管炎
Autopsies of Coal Workers with Chronic Bronchitis Wang Hongyuan, Li Jun, Zhao Yanping, et al. Department of Health Statistics and Medical Demography, School of Public Health, Beijing Medical University, Beijing 100083 【Abstract】 Objective To study the pathological features of chronic bronchitis in coal miners. Methods Pathological specimens collected in postmortem examinations for 180 deceased coal miners were analyzed. Results Among the 180 deceased coal miners, there were 155 cases of chronic bronchitis, with a prevalence rate of 86.1%, mainly affecting bronchia and bronchiole. No correlation between chronic bronchitis and coal worker pneumoconiosis was found. The most apparent features of chronic bronchitis in coal miners include dust deposition and dust cell infiltration on the walls of bronchi at all levels, and dust fibrosis around the bronchial walls, with the most severe pathological change of dust deposition on the respiratory bronchiole. Conclusion Most of the coal miners with chronic bronchitis (accounting for 80.0% of the total) manifested dust deposition and mixture of dust deposition and inflammation. Simple inflammatory bronchitis was rare. 【Key words】 Pneumoconiosis Bronchitis
尸检材料来自某矿区的尘肺病理诊断资料,选择资料完整的180例。生前均有明确的煤矿井下接尘史,未诊断尘肺或依据X线胸片诊断为煤工尘肺Ⅰ期。尘肺病理诊断按照尘肺病理诊断标准(GB8783-88)进行。慢性支气管炎的诊断参见文献[1]。以肺动脉瓣下2 cm处的右室前壁肌肉厚度≥0.4 cm为肺源性心脏病(肺心病)的诊断标准[2]。 取材方法:按照尘肺病理诊断标准的方法,每个肺叶取4块,每块面积为2 cm×2 cm,每个病例共取材20块。 原始数据经EPI5软件输入、检错后,用SPSSPC+软件进行统计分析。
[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 25起职业性急性中毒事故分析 下一个医学论文: 锑对小鼠肝线粒体抗氧化酶系统影响的实验研究