人升主动脉 |
蔡国君 姜宗来 纪荣明
摘 要:目的 为主动脉弓生物力学和血流动力学研究提供形态学基础。 方法 应用组织学和计算机图像分析方法,对5例正常成人升主动脉-主动脉弓进行计量形态学研究。 结果 获得了人升主动脉-主动脉弓几何形态和显微结构成分含量沿轴向和周向连续变化的完整数据。升主动脉根部结构成分以胶原纤维为主,左、右、后瓣环、窦壁的厚度和结构成分含量在血管周向无显著差异。 结论 人主动脉弓几何形态与显微结构存在血管轴向和周向非均匀性,提示主动脉弓应力应变的不均匀状况。主动脉弓胶原纤维的周向非均匀性不如弹性纤维和平滑肌显著,与其力学性质相符合。 关键词:主动脉弓;几何形态;血管平滑肌;弹性纤维;胶原纤维;生物力学 分类号:R322.1+21 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0529-1356(2000)01-82
CAI Guo-jun (Department of Anatomy,Institute of Biomedical Engineering,The Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433,China) JIANG Zong-lai (Department of Anatomy,Institute of Biomedical Engineering,The Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433,China) JI Rong-ming (Department of Anatomy,Institute of Biomedical Engineering,The Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433,China)
Abstract:Objective The aim of the present study is to provide essential morphological data for research concerning biomechanics and hemodynamics of the vessel.Methods A quantitative study was conducted on 5 ascending aorta and aortic arch specimens of normal adult human cadaver by continuous vascular sections and computer image analysis.Results A series of data were gained of geometrical morphology and relative area(Aa%) of smooth muscle cells,elastin and collagen in axial and circumferential directions of the ascending aorta and aortic arch.At the site of aortic root collagen is the main component.The difference of wall thickness and Aa% of the microstructural components among aortic rings and walls of aortic sinuses are all not significant.Conclusion The geometrical morphology and microstructure alter unequally in axial and circumferential directions of the aortic arch,which reflects the inequality of the vascular stress and strain.The inequality of collagen in circumferential directions is not as significant as tha[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 糖尿病大鼠主动脉的重建 下一个医学论文: 酸消化扩散法测定蔬菜中氟化物含量实验条件研究