北京市东城区慢性病防治研究结果与策略 |
陈立泉 马立宪 崔玲玲
摘要 慢性病,特别是循环系统慢性病以其高患病率、高死亡率、缺乏特效疗法等特点,形成了对社区居民健康的重要威胁。为探索慢性病的发展规律及防治方法,提高居民总体健康水平,我们从1981~1997年进行了循环系统慢性病防治研究。在基线调查的基础上,在实验区开展了健康教育、限盐、戒烟、控酒,提倡合理膳食及开展健身运动等一系列干预措施,取得了较好效果,居民和高血压病人在慢性病防治知识掌握率、降低吸烟、饮酒率、减少食盐摄入等方面,以及高血压病人的症状改善、血压下降等方面,实验区都优于对照区,差异有非常显著性。在16年防治工作的基础上,我们提出了当前城市社区居民循环系统慢性病防治策略的建议,以促进慢性病防治的进一步开展。 关键词 慢性病 社区
Strategy on the Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Diseases Among Residents in Dongcheng District,Beijing Chen Liquan,Ma Lixian,Cui Lingling. Dongcheng District Health and Anti-epidemic Center, Beijing 100009 Abstract Chronic diseases, in particular, circulatory diseases characterized by high mortality, morbidity, and lack of special treatment have become serious problems to the residents living in the Beijing communities. To learn the above mentioned diseases among people at the community level and to investigate treament and preventive method concerned studies on chronic circulatory system diseases among people living in communities in Dongcheng where few disease were under special control studies were carried out between 1981 and 1997. We found that the studied residents who had received and adopted a series of preventive measures as health education, giving up smoking, reducing alcohol and salt consumption, diet balance and practicing physical exercises, had greatly improved their health condition. Because of the positive results, we addressed some long-termed suggestions on the treatment and prevention for chronic patients with circulatory system diseases which is believed to have established a solid ground for the future. Key words Chronic disease Communty
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