细菌L型医院感染危险因素的调查 |
管剑龙1 孙玉安2 朱德全2 刘宝良2 王 慧2 薄 辉2 朱娴静2
摘要 调查细菌L型医院感染的危险因素共22项,应用非条件logistic回归分析处理。结果:单因素分析显示癌症、慢性病、原发感染灶、医院感染前住院≥3周、抗菌药预防应用≥7天、抑制细胞壁的抗菌药预防、肾上腺皮质激素、抗癌药和导尿具有显著性。多因素分析表明抑制细胞壁的抗菌药、原发感染灶和导尿以及抑制细胞壁的抗菌药、原发感染灶、抗癌药和医院感染前住院≥3周两个模型配合适度较好。说明监测细菌L型医院感染的危险因素,有利于医院感染的控制。 关键词 医院感染 细菌L型 危险因素 监测
Retrospective Study on the Risk Factors in Patients with Nosocomial Bacterial L-Form Infection Guan Jianlong*,Sun Yuan,Zhu Dequan,et al. *Department of Rheumatology, General Hospital of PLA, Beijing 100853 Abstract To survey the risk factors of nosocomial bacterial L-form infections, 22 risk factors were investigated and analysed with nonconditional logistic regression.Resutts showed through single factor regression that cancer,chronic disease,primary infection, longer than 3-week hospitalization before the onset of nosocomial infection,preventive use of antibiotics longer than 7 days, preventive use of cell wall depressive antibiotics, steroid use, anti-tumor drugs and urine guide technique were significant factors. Multiple factor regression demonstrated that two models including cell wall depressive antibiotics, primary infection, urine guide technique cell wall depressive antibiotics, primary infection, anti-tumor drugs and longer than 3-week hospitalization before the development of nosocomial infection were conjugated properly. It suggested that the surveillance of risk factors of nosocomial bacterial L-form infections was helpful to control nosocomial infections. Key words Nosocomial infection Bacterial L-form Risk factor Surveillance 细菌L型是细菌型(B型)的细胞壁缺陷型,有学者认为称细胞壁缺陷菌更合适[1~4]。70年代仅见临床个案报道,直到1985年国内才开始给予重视[4,5]。医院感染学为一门新兴学科,许多领域急需进行一系列的研究。目前,有关细菌L型医院感染方面的文献报告非常少见[4~6]。作者将调查细菌L型医院感染的危险因素和流行特征等,以期为医院感染控制提供依据。
一、病例选择:全部病例均符合美国CDC医院感染的诊断标准,同时细菌L型培养连续2~3次均有同一菌种生长者方可诊断为细菌L型医院感染。 二、剔除标准:观察不足72h死亡或不愿接受试验检查者;资料不完整的病例;仅细菌L型培养生长,但不具备医院感染的临床表现者。具备上述一条或以上者均予以剔除。 三、[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 一株新轮状病毒引起河北省石家庄市成人腹泻爆发流行 下一个医学论文: 北京市东城区慢性病防治研究结果与策略