山东省1993 1996年临床脊髓灰质炎病例分析 |
雷 杰 李 黎 徐爱强 刘桂芳 刘 萍 王同展 姜 萍 周晓琳 王海岩
摘要 1993~1996年间山东省有71例临床诊断脊髓灰质炎病例,50例考虑与脊灰疫苗有关。按疫苗投放量统计相关病例发生率为1/125万,首次服苗发生率为1/21.88万,第二次服苗为1/101.07万。用有病毒学支持的31例分析,首次服苗发生率为1/43.80万,第二次服苗为1/164.25万。接触病例发生率为1/1 044万,高于有关报道,其原因仍需进一步探讨。其它21例仅临床上诊断为脊灰,但无病毒学支持。如何正确对脊灰临床病例分类是一个值得探讨的问题。 关键词 脊髓灰质炎 疫苗相关病例 急性弛缓性麻痹
Analysis of Clincal Poliomyelitis in Shandong Province from 1993-1996 Lei Jie,Li Li,Xu Aiqiang,et al. Shandong Provincial Epidemic Prevention Center,Jinan 250014 Abstract Wild poliovirus has not been isolated in Shandong province since Apr.1991. However,71 clinically polio cases were diagnosed by an expert group, including 50 potential Vaccine Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis (VAPP) including 31 having the sabin strain in the stools, from 1993 to 1996. The overall frequency of VAPP was one case per 1.25 million doses distributed. The relative frequencies of first dose in the OPV series was one case per 218 800 doses vs one case per 1.01 million for second dose. Based on data from the 31 cases,we estimated that the rates had been one case per 438 000 first dose and one case per 6.42 million second dose and one case per 10.44 million among the contacts of the cases. This results seemed to be higher than from other reports. Clinically confirmed poliomyelitis cases in Shandong were diagnosed by the experts group. The classification of clinical polio cases is important in the polio eradication program. Key words Polio Vaccine Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis(VAPP) AFP
一、资料来源:AFP病例流行病学个案调查、临床诊断和实验室病毒分离结果等均来自省脊灰监测中心。 二、研究方法:临床脊灰病例是结合临床诊断等综合信息分析无证据排除脊灰的病例;疫苗相关病例(VAPP)诊断标准按GB16394-1996执行。对部分有明确服苗史(30天内)虽然脊灰病毒分离阴性,考虑到实验室条件和采便质量,归为疫苗相关病例并分别进行分析。 三、统计分析:所有数据均用EPI info软件进行统计处理。
结 果
一、发病概况:1993~1996年间,山东省共报告AFP病例1 728例,诊断临床脊灰71例。未分离到脊灰野病毒[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 湖北省低疟区流行病学特点与疟疾监测方法研究 下一个医学论文: 1995 1997年中国部分地区麻疹病毒流行株基因型分析