辅佐细胞在磷酸一乙脂激活 T细胞中的作用 |
黄岚 葛锡锐
摘 要:目的:研究辅佐细胞在非肽类抗原MEP激活γδT细胞中的作用及机制。方法:用花环沉降法分离出正常人外周血中的T细胞,通过细胞计数和FACS,观察MEP激活γδT细胞时辅佐细胞的作用。结果:MEP激活γδT细胞需要有IL-2的持续存在。MEP和IL-2联合作用于T细胞可少量激活其中的γδT细胞,但与IL-2的单独作用无明显差异。加入辅佐细胞能大大促进MEP和IL-2联合激活γδT细胞的作用,且明显强于IL-2的单独作用。辅佐细胞分泌的上清对MEP激活γδT细胞无明显促进作用。结论:MEP激活γδT细胞需要辅佐细胞的参与,可能主要通过与T细胞间的直接接触而起作用。 关键词:γδT细胞 磷酸一乙脂 辅佐细胞 分类号:R371.4
Role of accessory cells in the activation of γδT cells induced by monoethyl phosphate
HUANG Lan Shanghai Institute of Cell Biology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 200031 GE Xi-Rui Shanghai Institute of Cell Biology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 200031
Abstract:Objective:Study of the role of accessory cells in the activation of γδT cells by nonpeptidic antigen monoethyl phosphate(MEP).Methods: T cells from peripheral blood of healthy donors have been isolated by means of E-rosette,then the cellular requirement for the proliferation of γδT cells activated by MEP has been investigated by flow cytometry.Results: The continuous presence of IL-2 was required for the proliferation of γδT cells in response to MEP.The combination of IL-2 and MEP stimulated a few of γδT cells among the whole T cells,but the expansion had no significant difference compared with IL-2 alone.However,the addition of accessory cells obviously enhanced the proliferation of γδT cells induced by MEP and IL-2,and the effect was obviously greater than that by IL-2 alone.The supernatant of accessory cells had no obvious effect on the expansion of γδT cells stimulated with MEP.Conclusion: Accessory cells are necesssary in the activation of γδT cells induced by MEP.Moreover,it is possible that accessory cells provide the necessary costimulatory factors for γδT cell proliferation b[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 当归内酯拮抗环孢菌素A 氢化可的松及抗肿瘤药物的免疫抑制作用 下一个医学论文: 从半合成噬菌体抗体库中筛选抗角蛋白人抗体