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人野生型p53 cDNA的克隆 表达和意义

钟叔平 曹 亮 吴文翰

  摘 要 目的:为探讨肿瘤细胞wt p53蛋白功能失活机制的研究,检测肿瘤患者血清抗p53抗体辅助临床诊断提供人wt p53蛋白。方法:将人wt p53基因cDNA片段插入到大肠杆菌表达载体pQE-30中,得到重组表达质粒pQE30-p53;用pQE30-p53重组质粒转化大肠杆菌M15细胞,转化菌落经PCR扩增和BamHⅠ、Xba Ⅰ酶切证实p53基因插入。IPTG诱导大肠杆菌表达wt p53蛋白,通过Ni-NTA亲和层析柱纯化,SDS-PAGE分离。结果:IPTG诱导后的大肠杆菌出现明显的53 kD蛋白带,免疫印迹进一步证实:大肠杆菌可表达高水平的人wt p53蛋白。结论:这种原核细胞表达的人wt p53蛋白具有天然的p53蛋白的抗原性,可用于p53蛋白的体外分析。
  主题词 基因,p53;基因表达;抗体;印迹法;蛋白质

Cloning, expression and signification of human
wild type p53 cDNA

ZHONG Shu-Ping1,CAO Liang2,WU Weng-Han2
1 Department of Biochemistry, Medical College of Shantou University, Shantou (515031)
2 Department of Microbiology, University of Hong Kong

  Abstract AIM:The fragment of human wild type p53 cDNA is amplified by PCR.METHODS:The expression plasmid of pQE30-p53 is constructed, E coli M15 are trans formed by the plasmid of pQE30-p53. The wt p53 expression is induced by IPTG in M15. The protein is purified by the column of Ni-NAT and SDS-PAGE.The protein is detected by Western blotting with pAb1801. That the colones contain the wt p53 gene is confirmed by PCR. High concentrative wt p53 protein is purified by the column of Ni-NAT. Western blot result shows the strong band of wt p53. RESULT:It is possible to obtain the high concentrative protein of human wt p53 through above approaches.CONCLUSIONS:The expressed wt p53 proteins will be used to investigate the machenism of wt p53 protein inactivation, to detect the autoantibodies against p53 protein in patients sera with carcinoma.
  MeSH Genes, p53; Gene expression; Antibodies; Blotting, Western

  Lane等[1]在研究SV-40T抗原与细胞蛋白相互作用时发现p53蛋白。此后,Baker等[2]证明野生型(wild type,wt)p53蛋白具有抑制转化细胞生长的能力。大量的研究表明:wt p53蛋白具有负调细胞生长和诱导DNA损伤细胞走向细胞凋亡(apoptosis)的功能[3]。业已证明,wt p53蛋白半衰期较短,在正常细胞中不被检出。突变型(mutant type, mt)p53蛋白半衰期延长,功能失活并在肿瘤细胞中大量累积。在已检测的人类肿瘤中,50%以上含有p53基因突变。因此,人们推论p53基因突变可能是肿瘤产生的主要因素。但是在鼻咽癌、宫颈癌中结果却不同,所检测的p53主要为野生型。近年,已发现一些DNA肿瘤病毒蛋白或细胞蛋白与wt p53蛋白不同部位结合使后者功

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