丹参提取物F抗大鼠胃窦部粘膜再灌注损伤作用的研究 |
张丽红 李和泉 姚常柏
摘 要 目的:探讨丹参提取物F(DSEF)抗大鼠胃窦部粘膜再灌注损伤的作用。方法:大鼠随机分为假手术组(SC)、单纯失血组(HE)、生理盐水组(NS)及丹参提取物F组(DSEF);SC组大鼠除未行放血及血液回输外,行所有操作步骤,HE组大鼠经20 min的失血性休克后处死,NS及DSEF组在休克20 min后,回输全部血液,维持20 min后处死。SC、HE、NS组静滴NS(0.03 mL/min),DSEF组静滴DSEF(1 g/100 g.wt)。结果:HE组损伤指数为0,NS组损伤指数明显高于DSEF组(P<0.01),且前者Ⅱ、Ⅲ级损伤占60.84%,后者为30.35%;NS组胃窦部粘膜细胞内钙含量明显高于SC组(P<0.01),DSEF组细胞内钙含量明显低于NS组(P<0.05)。结论:再灌注可致胃窦部粘膜损伤,DSEF具有抗胃窦部粘膜再灌注损伤的作用。 主题词 丹参;再灌注损伤;幽门窦
Effect of DSEF on reperfusion injury in gastric antrum
ZHANG Li-Hong, LI He-Quan, YAO Chang-Bai Department of Anesthesiology, the Second Affiliated Hospital, China Medical University, Shenyang(110003)
Abstract AIM:To study the effect of DSEF(Dan Shen Extract F) on reperfusion injury in gastric antrum. METHODS:Rats were randomly divided into group SC(rats underwent all procedures but hemorrhagic shock), HE(rats suffered from hemorrhagic shock for 20 minutes), NS and DSEF(rats received blood reperfusion after shock for 20 minutes and were killed after 20 minutes);Rats in group DSEF received intravenous infusion of DSEF(1 g/100 g BW), and normal saline was infused (0.03 mL/min) in the other groups. The index and depth of mucosal lesion and intracellular calcium ion concentration were measured. RESULTS:The index and depth in group DSEF were markedly lower than that in group NS(P<0.01), and the index in group HE was 0; As compared with that in group SC, the content of intracellular calcium in group NS increased significantly (P<0.01), and intracellular calcium ion concentration in group DSEF was much lower than that in group NS(P<0.05). CONCLUSION:Reperfusion can cause gastric mucosal injury of antrum, which can be resisted by DSEF. MeSH Dan Shen; Reperfusion injury; Pyloric antrum
再灌注损伤见于许多临床及手术过程中,将组织、器官进行再灌注时,其可出现一系列的代谢、功能和结构的进行性损伤。就此人们进行了较为广泛的研究,但有关胃窦部再灌注损伤的报道较少,至今尚未找到有效的防治措施。本实验探讨胃窦部粘膜再灌注损伤的机制及丹参提取物F(Dan Shen Extract F, DSEF)抗胃窦部粘膜再灌注损伤的作用。
[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 大鼠肝再生过程中线粒体氧化磷酸化的调控 下一个医学论文: 沙土鼠及大鼠局部脑缺血时血小板活化因子的变化