大鼠肝再生过程中线粒体氧化磷酸化的调控 |
缪明永 蔡在龙 刘鹏飞 王学敏 毛积芳 陈克明
摘 要 目的:探讨肝部分切除后肝再生过程中线粒体能量代谢的调控。方法:用雄性Wistar大鼠施行肝部分切除复制肝再生模型,肝部分切除后分别观察0.5、1、2、4和7 d 5个肝再生组以及5个相应的对照组,差速离心法分离肝线粒体并用氧电极极谱法测定其氧化磷酸化活性。结果:肝部分切除后肝再生过程中线粒体呼吸控制率(RCR)明显高于相应对照组,其中肝部分切除后0.5 d和4 d为二个峰值,7 d时降至对照组水平,早期RCR的升高主要是R3升高的所致,1 d后RCR升高是R4下降所致。磷氧比值(P/O)的变化类似于RCR。结论:肝部分切除后肝再生过程中线粒体通过氧化磷酸化偶联增强来适应肝再生的能量需求,这种增强机制很可能主要是通过降低线粒体内膜通透性实现的。 主题词 肝再生;线粒体;氧化磷酸化;大鼠
Regulation of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation during rat liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy
MIAO Ming-Yong, CAI Zai-Long, LIU Peng-Fei, WANG Xue-Min, MAO Ji-Fang,CHENG Ke-Ming Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Department of Basic Medicine, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, (200433)
Abstract AIM:To investigate the regulation of mitochondrial energy metabolism during liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy. METHODS:Liver regeneration model was produced by partial hepatectomy performed in male Wistar rats. All rats were divided into five experimental groups (0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 7 days groups after partial hepatectomy), and five sham-operated groups. The liver mitochondria were isolated by differential centrifugation, and its oxidative phosphorylation capacity were measured polarographically with Clark oxygen electrode.RESULTS:The mitochondrial respiratory control rate (RCR) significantly increased during rat liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy, as compared with sham-operated groups, and two peaks in RCR occured at half day and the fourth day after partial hepatectomy, and then reduced to the level of sham-operated groups at the seventh day. The first peak in RCR was due to the increase of respiratory state Ⅲ(R3), the second due to the decrease of repiratory state Ⅳ(R4). The kind of change of P/O ratio was likely to that of RCR after partial hepatectomy.CONCLUSION:The enhancement of oxidative phosphorylation function occure to meet the increase [1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 血栓素A2 肿瘤坏死因子和地塞米松对兔气道平滑肌细胞增殖的影响 下一个医学论文: 丹参提取物F抗大鼠胃窦部粘膜再灌注损伤作用的研究