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樊晶光 王起恩 刘世杰

  【摘要】 目的 寻求一种适宜的石棉表面改性剂。方法 利用斑点杂交和流式细胞技术观察柠檬酸铝、混合稀土或亚硒酸钠等3种化合物对温石棉致人胚肺(HEL)细胞转化过程中c-Ha-ras癌基因和Pan ras小鼠抗体(P21ras)蛋白的影响。结果 在温石棉染毒组,c-Ha-ras癌基因的转录水平及P21ras蛋白含量明显高于对照组。在上述3种化合物预处理的温石棉组,HEL细胞c-Ha-ras癌基因的转录水平及P21ras蛋白含量均明显低于未处理温石棉组。结论 用上述3种化合物预处理温石棉,有可能减轻温石棉对人类的致癌危害性。
  【关键词】 石棉类,蛇纹石  癌基因  癌基因蛋白质P21(RAS)  人胚肺细胞

Comparison of Changes in Oncogene of Human Embryo Lung Cells before and after Chemical Modification for Chrysotile  Fan Jingguang, Wang Qi′en, Liu Shijie. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Beijing 100029

  【Abstract】 Objective To seek for a suitable chamical agent for surface modification of chrysotile. Methods The effects of aluminum citrate, mixed rare earth and sodium selenite on c-Ha-ras oncogene and P21ras protein in the transformation of human embryo lung cells caused by chrysotile were studied. Results The transcription level of c-Ha-ras oncogene and the content of P21ras in those exposed to chrysotile were significantly higher than those in the controls. The transcription level of c-Ha-ras oncogene and the content of P21ras in those exposed to chrysotile treated in advance with three kinds of chemicals mentioned above were significantly lower than those in untreated. Conclusion Treatment of chrysotile with three kinds of above-mentioned chemicals in advance could reduce its carcinogenecity in human beings.
  【Key words】 Asbestos, serpentine  Oncogenes  Oncogene protein P21(ras)  Human embryo lung cells

  人类流行病学调查和动物实验均已证实,长期接触石棉纤维,可致支气管肺癌。有报道,将1次暴露于温石棉的大鼠间皮细胞注入到裸鼠后未引起动物肿瘤,而温石棉多次染毒并经重复培养的细胞则形成致肿瘤细胞群[1]。因此,我们采用多次染毒、重复传代后的细胞,对石棉致人胚肺(HEL)细胞转化过程中c-Ha-ras癌基因的转录水平及Pan ras小鼠抗体(P21ras)蛋白进行了分析,同时观察了柠檬酸铝、混合稀土或亚硒酸钠等3种化合物预处理对石棉致HEL细胞转化过程中c-Ha-ras癌基因的转录水平及P21ras蛋白改变的影响,结果如下。


  1. 实验用细胞株:HEL细胞由军事医学科学院赵修南惠赠,用0.125%胰蛋白酶+0.01% EDTA消化传代,用含10%小牛血清和双抗的MEM培养液于37℃、5% CO2的条件下培养,3天传代1次。
  2. 石棉样品的制备: 选用青海茫崖产温石棉,用冰冻切

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