维生素K对幼鼠骨代谢的影响 |
赵新华1 赵熙和2 任典旭3 崔伟4
【摘要】 目的 探讨不同剂量的维生素K对幼鼠骨代谢的影响。方法 选用40只雄性断乳大鼠,分为4组: 1组饲料中维生素K水平为50 μg/kg,并添加1%磺胺药阻断肠道菌群合成维生素K,其余3组饲料维生素K水平分别为50、300、2 550 μg/kg。实验进行3个月,通过钙代谢实验、骨代谢生化指标及骨密度的改变,综合评价维生素K对幼鼠骨代谢的影响。结果 不同剂量水平的维生素K对大鼠胃肠道钙吸收无显著影响;维生素K缺乏组动物尿钙、尿羟脯氨酸排出增高,提示维生素K缺乏导致骨分解代谢增强; 血清骨钙素及股骨骨密度随膳食维生素K摄入水平增加而提高,高剂量组显著高于维生素K缺乏组,而凝血酶原时间各组间差异无显著性。结论 目前根据凝血功能制定的大鼠饲料维生素K的供给量不能满足幼鼠骨生长发育要求,幼鼠骨发育对维生素K的需求很可能高于50 μg/kg饲料。 【关键词】 维生素K 骨密度
Effect of Various Levels of Vitamin K Intake on Bone Metabolism of Rat Zhao Xinhua*, Zhao Xihe, Ren Dianxu, et al. *Department of Biochemistry, Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, Beijing 100035
【Abstract】 Objective To explore the effect of various levels of vitamin K intake on bone development. Methods Forty weanling Wistar male rats were divided into four groups. In one group, 1% sulfadiazine was added to regular diet (vitamin K 50 μg/kg) to induce vitamin K deficiency. In the other three groups, the vitamin K levels in diets were 50 μg/kg, 300 μg/kg, 2 550 μg/kg respectively. Twelve weeks later, the rats were killed and the effects of the different levels of vitamin K intake on bone development were evaluated by the parameters of calcium metabolism, bone metabolic biochemistry, and bone mineral density (BMD). Results Vitamin K did not affect the intestinal absorption of calcium. Vitamin K deficiency led to the high levels of urinary calcium and hydroxyapatite excretion, suggesting an increase of bone absorption. Different levels of dietary vitamin K significantly affect circulating osteocalcin and OCbound content. The level of serum2 osteocalcin , OCbound and BMD elevated with the increase of dietary VK levels, whereas the parameters of PTH (thrombo plastin time) were not different between all groups. Conclusion Vitamin K can enhance the bone development of rat. The rat vitamin K requirement may be higher than that of the current recommendation (50 μg/kg). 【Key words】 Vi[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 围产保健对降低低出生体重的影响 下一个医学论文: 先天性心脏病患儿血清氨基酸浓度的改变