1988 1992年中国神经管缺陷发生率的动态变化 |
王艳萍 朱军 吴艳乔 梁娟 须昌隆
【摘要】 目的 了解1988~1992年我国神经管缺陷(NTD)发生率的变化趋势。方法 采用以医院为基础的监测方法收集资料,调查对象为孕28周至生后7天的围产儿,对1988~1992年全国30省市、自治区出生缺陷监测网监测的3 246 408例围产儿,7 778例NTD病例进行回顾性分析。结果 NTD发生率由1988年25.3/万下降到1992年的18.0/万,5年下降了28.9% ,年下降率8.2%,农村NTD下降幅度为30.5%,城市为26.7%;无脑畸形、 脑膨出发生率分别下降了34.2%、48.5%;北方NTD下降幅度为30.5%,南方为27.8%。结论 我国NTD发生率呈下降趋势,农村下降幅度大于城市;无脑畸形、 脑膨出发生率下降较快;北方省份下降幅度较南方大。 【关键词】 神经管缺陷 畸形
Dynamic Variation of Incidence of Neural Tube Defects during 1988 to 1992 in China Wang Yanping, Zhu Jun, Wu Yanqiao, et al. National Center for Birth Defects Monitoring West China University of Medical Sciences, Chengdu 610041
【Abstract】 Objective To study the variation trend in incidence of neural tube defects (NTDs) during 1988 to 1992 in China. Methods Data were collected by hospital-based monitoring, with women of gestation of 28 weeks to seven days after birth as study subjects. And, 3 246 408 perinates were monitored in the National Birth Defect Monitoring Network in 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions all over the country, and 7 778 cases of NTDs during 1988 to 1992 were recorded and analyzed. Results Incidence of NTDs was 18.0 per ten thousand in 1992, 28.9% reduction from 25.3 per ten thousand in 1988, and yearly average reduction of 8.2%. Incidence of NTDs decreased by 30.5% and 34.2% in rural and urban areas, respectively, by 30.5% and 27.8% in the north and the south, respectively, and incidence of anencephaly and encephalocele fell by 34.2% and 48.5%, respectively. Conclusion Incidence of NTDs showed a falling trend in China, more decrease in rural area and in the north than in urban areas and in the south, respectively, and incidence of anencephaly and fell encephalocela faster. 【Key words】 Neural tube defects Abnormalities
神经管缺陷(NTD)是一组高发的严重先天畸形,占总先天畸形的20%~25%。自70年代以来,各国陆续报道NTD发生率呈下降趋势,特别是B型超声波广泛应用于临床产前诊断以后[1~4]。本文分析了1988~1992年我国出生缺陷监测网监测的7 778例NTD,以了解我国NTD的变化趋势。
对象与[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 鼻灌洗在职业和环境医学中的应用 下一个医学论文: 脑血管意外与血脂水平的研究