二甲基甘氨酸对脊髓神经元的作用 |
ates interferon production and excites natural killer cell production[4]. It stimulates both antibody response and cellular immunity[6]. It also has anti-convulsant[7] and anti-cancer effects[2]. It is not mutagenic[1]. It also acts as an ergogenic nutrient, improving stamina and normalizing physical function[2]. It increases athletic performance though it has no effect on blood pressure, breathing pattern, blood chemistry and body weight[1]. DMG helps to improve oxygen utilization, causes increased tole rance to physical activity during strenuous exercise and faster recovery after such exercise, reducing lactic acid build-up and reducing muscle cram ping[3]. Since the effects of DMG on the spinal neurons which are concerned with motor functions have not been reported in literature so far, the present study was undertaken to determine the effect of DMG on the neurons of the cervical enlargement of the spinal cord.
Materials and Methods
Thirty albino mice of the BALB/c strain, of both sexes, aged 21 days, were randomly divided into three groups of ten each, namely normal control (NC), vehicle control(VC) and test group (DMG treated group). Mice in the NC group remained undisturbed in the home cage. Mice in the VC group were given a volume of distilled water equal to the amount of drug given orally. The mice in the test group received dimethyl glycine(DMG),20mg/(kg.day).The dose was extrapolated on the basis of the standard dose conversion table. The drug was administered as an aqueous solution which was prepared by dissolving 125 mg tablet in 12.5 ml of distilled water so that each ml of the solution contains 10 mg of the active ingredient. The dimethyl glycine was obtained from Vitamin World, Oakdale, New York(USA) through the India Christian Gospel Ministries, Chicago. The drug was given for 30 days. The body weight was taken before the commencement of the study and weekly thereafter. On the 31st day the mice were sacrificed. The c上一页 [1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 自发性高血压大鼠高血压形成前后肾内小动脉的重建 下一个医学论文: 腹腔